14th April
Hotspot 01
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
Hotspot 02
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
‘’From everything that happened on the 14th, what was the most important? On Vesak day. Sorry, on Avurudhu day. We are doing the 14th not the 11th. However, the incidents that took place on the 10th and 11th, let’s write here as well. If there was a tent by the 14th let’s say that on the 10th, it was put up. The 14th, Avurudhu day. Let’s start from there.’’
‘’What did you say? That it started from gate 0. On this side there is Galle face. the Galle face hotel. That means, this side is the seaside.’’
‘’This is where the statue is. On this side is Baladaksha Mawatha and the secretariat was here.’’
‘’Mark what you remember and later whatever you recall we will mark as well. If not, start with what happened. Either of the two.’’
‘’Over here on the 14th of April. Let’s take it as a road. On that road there were lines that were drawn. That’s what makes it a road. This was where the avurudhu celebrations took place.’’
-‘’Port city is here.’’
‘’The avurudhu celebrations took place over here.’’
‘’Who participated in the avurudhu celebrations?’’
‘’There were a lot of monks here. There were people who had bought food from their villages. Can you guys remember?’’
‘’I came when it was around afternoon. When I came at that time it was full of avurudhu.’’
‘’I was angry because on the first day everybody was united. However, they gave the first place to Sinhalese and did this celebration.’’
-‘’Who did that?’’
‘’At that time over there it wasn’t organized. A group of monks said that we should celebrate avurudhu over there.’’
‘’That was the day the monks were brought in with a perahera. It happened like that, that day.’’
‘’Later, they were bought here in the Omalpe perahera. I remember there was avurudhu food. That was the day we took our tent and brought it here.’’
‘’Where was your tent on that day?’’
‘’Our tent was here.’’
‘’yes, voices of peoples.’’
‘’The tent was over here. We moved it over here.’’
‘’When did you put up the tent over here?’’
‘’on the 9th. On the 10th we put it up here. On the 10th morning, we started over here.’’
‘’Where did you move it to?’’
‘’No, no. It wasn’t here before. We moved it here. This was because there were many sounds. We were “voices”, so we would be shouting. People couldn’t talk. So, we came here. The Peratugami was near us and the anthare “no wars” hut was also put up here in front of gate 0.’’
‘’Was it moved on the 14th?
On the 13th. On the 10th . There were 3 tents here.’’
‘’Paxxx and the others took it and went.’’
it wasn’t a permanent one.’’
‘’So, shall I say they were removed over here?’’
by then they were …’’
‘’Those were there on the 9th. in order to track our group. so on the 10th it moved over here. Shall I write that?’’
‘’I remember in this area some of the tents started giving out dinner.
Are you talking about the 14th?’’
‘’By the 14th the food system had been made. I put up the flag. the flag was put up and there were lights in the tent. I asked if there was no issue. So actually, we came here on the 11th at around 10:00 PM. Later there were more tents put up here. The group of people that I was with had two tents over here. Those who were in these tents came up with the name, at 11:00 AM the next day morning we put up the board that said “Gotagogama”. Around four of us did this on the 11th morning.’’
-‘’who put it up?’’
‘’I came up with the names. There were around five or six others over there. We stayed there throughout the night. there was someone named Rxxxx who had come from Kandy over in that tent. What he wanted was by morning to check in on Google. So, because he wanted to check in I-we called him over and while having a joint we would go around at night, around the area. A name needed to be put on Google maps when logging in. This happened when we logged in to Google to name the jubilee tower junction as “ pissata hu kiyapu junction”. On google it was mentioned as “pissata hu kiyapu handiya” and it went viral. I had to log into this- I came from Kandy. During that time, we thought of many names. I work in advertising marketing. I have a famous reputation for naming things. My friends who are business owners have asked me to name their small businesses. I was in that type of scene. Meanwhile, as we were conversing till morning on the 11th, we decided to leave and come back in the evening. There was another group who would join us in the evening. Afterwards it was the 11th morning.’’
‘’Before you left do you remember anything else?’’
‘’Only this. I can’t remember that day too well.’’
‘’What about the tents that were put up on the 10th?’’
‘’No, I can’t remember exactly.’’
‘’I wrote down the story.’’
‘’I have a full write up that is compiled, about everything that happened. Give the full story.’’
‘’This is my personal memory up until the 14th. I don’t know, this is my perspective. So, I know that in the morning after we put this up, there was someone else-I can’t remember her name. she called “ratta” and came over and took a video of it. I remember. During the avurudhu celebrations. On the 11th. After putting up the board around 15 minutes later after deciding to celebrate the new year, they came with ratta and said we should also come to celebrate the new year. On the 14th.we put up a video saying people should come to Gotagogama. So around 10:00 PM after we went to sleep the next morning around 4:00 AM when we woke up it had gone full viral. Kxxxx called me around two hours after we put it up, saying that there were offers to put up tents at Gotagogama on a post. This means that as we put up the board it picked up and went viral. The are photos of this board over here. It was only written in Sinhala initially. And later there were many talks about how we should put it up in Tamil as well. I said none of us are Tamil, there isn’t even one Tamil person. So, why should we just put it up? If there is a Tamil person who wants to, they will come and put it up. After deciding so, we left. When we got back in the evening, it had been put up in Tamil and in English as well. It had become like a shrine. However, by the next day…’’
‘’That was on the evening of the 11th, right?’’
‘’Yes, the 11th evening. On the 12th it was there as well. Later someone else had put up another board around this area saying “Gotagogama”. It was put up in all three languages. I should have a photo of it. And afterwards I saw only one more board. It was towards the end, around the statue area saying “Gotagogama”. The other board I saw survived for a long time.’’
‘’Now is this the 11th as well?’’
‘’I’m not sure. This was later- this was on the 14th. By the 14th there was a board around this area.’’
‘’This was there as well? ‘’
‘’Yes, this was there until the end. Later it was lost. Since the 14th I saw it quite often until the end.’’
‘’This was “Gotagogama” as well?’’
‘’Yes, afterwards we were here on the 10th. Later our tents had moved by the 14th towards the corner of this mountain.
This tent that had lights on was destroyed on the May 9th attacks.’’
‘’I can remember Ruxxxxx Dxxxxx. She would get together with us and make various boards. After the 14th “banku horakapu Mawatha, “ maina Mawatha”, and all the “mawathas” were made. So, the Tamil and Sinhalese versions of that, I don’t know about.’’
‘’Wait a bit. We will put that on the next map. Can you remember the tents that were there on the 10th? Now you said that you went there on the 14th. You said you came here on the 10th and that there weren’t many.’’
‘’On the 10th it developed. On the 10th the hiking tents were put up. There were small tents in order on the 10th .’’
‘’Alright then check by the 11th, what were the tents that were there?’’
‘’Kaxxx and I were in the same group so it would be better and easier if you got him to this side. We’re tracking the 10th and 11th, right? So, it would be easier. By the 10th these tents that were in a row had been developed right?’’
‘’By the 10th there were tents with nobody in them. Can you remember the tents which we named on the board?’’
‘’It was right here “bung”. This is the place the board was put up. Baladaksha Mawatha.’’
‘’You should draw it.’’
‘’There were three 10×10 tents. Not three, there were 4. Draw all four. These four tents were our backbone. People’s power, and infrastructure were the backbone.’’
‘’There was another one over here. The people from the yellow cording oppression group had left their stuff here. On that day when we were here, we couldn’t put up the board over here because their stuff was here.’’
-‘’Was this on the 11th?’’
‘’It was there from the 9th onwards. Even on the 10th. Later they left their stuff here and moved away.’’
‘’I can’t remember exactly how many tents were here. I’m talking about the hiking tent sets that were put up when we were staying the night over here.‘’
‘’That set of people had put up tents in this shape.’’
-‘’It wasn’t behind us.’’
‘’They had just put up many tents in this shape.’’
‘’At least 10 or more tents were put up.’’
‘’Afterwards Mixxxx’s tents was here.’’
‘’Mixxxx must be able to recall the tents and where they were.’’
‘’Over here with the other tents there was another tent called the discussion tent.’’
Was this on the 11th?
‘’This was put up on the 10th night. We are able to track this. Many similar tents were put up.someone called it a tourism tent. It wasn’t tourism, it was a hiking group’s tent. They had tents, in Borella or somewhere else. They quickly came and put-up numbered tents that were similar. Their hiking group was there. They had mattresses. I think they had brought them. There was a whole group of them. They came and put up the tents and left.’’
‘’What was at discussion tent on 10th?’’
‘’On the 13th there was Axxxx’s program. I can remember very well, the FUTA.’’
‘’In this area is that all the tents that were there?’’
-‘’By when?’’
‘’By the 14th there were more.’’
‘’Now it is the 11th, we finished the 10th.’’
‘’I don’t recall exactly how many were there in this area by the 10th. Mixxxx’s tent was over here. Those few were there. Over here were the 10×10 set of tents.’’
‘’On the 11th when the Gotagogama board was put up.’’
‘’Yes, by the 11th evening more tents were put up.’’
‘’Write those down as well.’’
‘’I can’t remember anything. They were put up here as well. It escalated here that day.’’
‘’The name being put was a big story. It wasn’t there before; it was later that it was given this name to show what we were doing.’’
‘’On this side there was the “anthare”, on this side the law association. On this side the youth for change. The anthare were all here.’’
-‘’This was by the 11th.’’
‘’Yes, in this area I saw a pharmacy for health-related issues. Can you remember that? They had a few doctors who had gotten together and were giving out medication.’’
‘’There was a tent here. St. John’s wasn’t there those days. There were two ambulances that had been parked.’’
‘’Sarvodaya was here.’’
‘’Write that down as ambulance.’’
‘’Can you remember that by the 9th there were two ambulances? Sarvodaya and Saint John’s and the Red Cross.’’
-‘’Were all 3 there?’’
‘’I can remember Sarvodaya being there. ‘’
‘’Then write down all three.’’
‘’On the 9th there were ambulances. There were three of them because the crowd was larger. The St, John ambulance came first.‘’
‘’The St. John was there since when?’’
‘’Since the 9th. There were three ambulances.’’
‘’If you look at that and explain, it is not a re awakening of memory, right? The St. John ambulance came on the 9th. When did the Sarvodaya ambulance arrive?’’
‘’That was on the 9th.There was a big ambulance.’’
‘’The other one was the Red Cross ambulance that had been there since the 10th.’’
‘’I can remember I was in the area near the statue. I was there on the 9th, but I can’t remember when the tents were put up.’’
‘’Was it your tent? The Red Cross and St, John.’’
‘’By the 14th there were two or three that had arrived.’’
‘’The Red Cross changed a lot.
The configuration and everything changed bit by bit.’’
‘’You said that by the 14th, there were many tents. Can you remember which tents there were?’’
‘’There were two more tents in the corner near the statue- for meditation, reverend Kashyapa (Hamuduruvo) put them up in the corner near the statue, right?’’
‘’The 14th. This is the statue. You can take it as this area.’’
‘’No, in this area near the statue is where Kashyapa stayed. The first few days reverend Kashyapa put up the stents and stayed was on this side of the statue.’’
‘’You write it down. Draw an arrow and write it down.’’
‘’Reverend Kashyapa was prepared.’’
‘’Was it with lights?
It was put up on the 12th.’’
‘’No, it wasn’t the 12th. Wasn’t it the 12th evening?’’
‘’In which area?’’
‘’Wait a bit. On the 11th the library was put up in this area, it should be so. In that area the 10×10 tents were put up by Arxxx and Chxxx with photos. Photos of it are there that were initially put up. Arxxx had written a beautiful note.’’
‘’the first day after putting up the board- the Gotagogama board- Around 2 hours later everything started getting triggered and later there was another one put up near the library.’’
‘’On the 13th we put up legal aid camps. The camps were put up on the other side of the library.’’
‘’A single 10×10 was brought. I remember Arxxx had brought the books and was circling around the area. Chxxx and the rest of us were talking about what we would do and that there was a tent that was on the way and where we would put it up. Later that night arxxx had a list of books that he had brought. He put it together and took a photo of it and took a photo of the tent and posted it. From what I remember there wasn’t really much.’’
‘’Let’s put the book list as well.’’
‘’Yes, it is there. I can get it from Arxxx.’’
‘’name was written in Sinhalese.’’
‘’Yes Sinhala. Apart from that it was initially put up as “Gotapogama” in Tamil at the library. It wasn’t “Gotagogama”.’’
‘’Was there another board at the library?’’
‘’At the library it was put up as ”Gotapogama” using the Tamil letter “po”.’’
‘’Was the rest in English or Sinhala?’’
‘’I think it was in Tamil.’’
‘’The part “Po” was in Tamil, the “gama” part was in Sinhalese and the “Gota” was in English. I can Remember that very distinctly. We thought we could have used “Po”. After some thinking it changed to various forms.’’
‘’Alright. What else was there. On this side wasn’t there anything on the 14th? The IUSL, the voices of people. And what was the law related one?’’
-‘’It was lawyers.’’
‘’It wasn’t the Bar association. It was the Lawyers’ stage.’’
‘’I remember there was a small walk taking place. It was the lawyers. They needed speakers and there was no petrol. We had a generator and so they borrowed it from us. After we gave them the generator there was no petrol. Every other day we would get around 4 liters. This is why I can remember that the neighboring center was put up by lawyers. This happened on the 11th. On the 13th we went to the other side.’’
‘’On the 13th you went there. This is the 11th. We need to question if this started on the 11th . ‘’
‘’We are not sure if it was the 11th .’’
‘’on the 14th which ones were there?’’
‘’On the 13th there was the kitchen that stretched out a long way, it was next to the library. I think it was later than that. Maybe by the 15th.’’
‘’The kitchen situation needs to be cleared out. The kitchen was formed when the community, bakers and others got together and started singing songs and doing other things. There was a tent that was put up there to carry out some of the bakery’s work. By the 14th this work had already started. In the initial stages itself the bakery people came and set up there.’’
‘’It was on the 11th or the 12th that Shiraz passed away. This was relatively bigger then, but before we moved from here, he passed away while performing over here. I can’t remember the exact date. It was between the 10th-12th.
Sannasgala and some others were singing songs.’’
-‘’Write there.’’
‘’I can’t remember the exact date. It was between the 11th and the 12th that he passed away while singing. I knew he had passed away because one of the people from the ambulance said he was in critical condition. During that time, we were here. Around one hour later Sannasgala declared Shiraz had passed away.’’
‘’Yes, yes. It was during the new year that it happened. During the new year we came to the other side.’’
‘’What else can you remember about the 14th? Was there a flag over here and a stage that was put up?’’
‘’There was a big white banner that was printed by the SYU. I should have a photo of it.’’
‘’Over here there was a lot of mud. This was where the Gotagogama board had been put up.’’
‘’When did the war heroes arrive? The war heroes came to this area to stay, right?’’
‘’According to my recollection, by the new year the war heroes hadn’t arrived.’’
‘’There was a big white banner with black letters. It was very distinctive. I should have a photo of it. ’’
’’You can check it later and write it down. For now, shall I just mark it here?’’
‘’Samitha Idhigola Arachchi and our artist Sybil Wettasinghe and Kusala Wettasinghe put up a tent on the day we arrived to provide psychosocial support. There was a tent in this area called the “Psychosocial support tent”.’’
‘’When was the media tent put up?’’
‘’The media tent was put up later, I think around the 18th.’’
‘’Only whatever happened till the 14th will be mentioned here. Anything afterwards should not be included here.’’
‘’Raxxxx, with all this work, when talking in Tamil and they are stuck they call me. I remember that time very well. When they call me I go and I help them. So, I have an idea of many of the places because I can speak Tamil.’’
‘’So, then you write it down. Write down all the places you went to. ’’
’’On the day of the new year did anything else happen? You said everything was carried out in Sinhalese as if it was just a Sinhala celebration. It wasn’t celebrated as a Tamil festival.’’
‘’It was a place where everyone was together saying that we should be united. However, it wasn’t like that.’’
‘’However, someone sang the national anthem in Tamil, right? I can remember Kashyapa came and quarreled about it. It was in this tent. After the 14th. So, this has happened someday before.’’
‘’Raxxx, Mixxxx And his wife whose name I can’t remember was there till we withdrew from the place. He developed a problem in his ear and still till towards Mid-May he didn’t leave. I’m not sure, you can ask him. Mixxxx systematized the tents and numbered them.’’
‘’By the 14th they hadn’t systematized the tents yet, right?’’
‘’It wasn’t systematized. However…’’
‘’I remember if we had to put up a tent, we would ask him where to put it up.’’
‘’If you do a session with Mixxxx and talk to him and his wife, it is a very impressionable memory.’’
‘’He was very sociable with everyone. Everybody had a role, and he would go to all of them. He somehow held on.’’
-‘’Had the kitchen arrived?’’
‘’It wasn’t a kitchen. It was a bakery. I don’t know how to frame it. The groups from the bakeries arrived by the 12th or 13th. You can’t really call it a bakery tent. The bakery people grouped over there. By the 14th the kitchen hadn’t been set up yet. They hadn’t started cooking yet. They came there for food because it was a group of bakery people.’’
‘’if I mention that this group started coming to this place for food, is it correct?’’
‘’Yes, but you might want to get it verified there was a pattern by then. There was such a thing. When a set of people from one tent were getting dressed, the set on the other side would be given to eat. The people’s trust did not come. They bought things and put them here. That was how the people’s park was developed.’’
‘’Apart from that Raxxx, there was a father who would connect everybody.’’
‘’The Father was there, and I noticed him in the beginning.’’
‘’Somehow by the 13th from this statue you could get a good view of all the tents. It was full of tents in this area. Full of small tents.’’
‘’who stayed in those tents?’’
‘’I have a very good recollection of it in my memory. Those days……’’
‘’I was just thinking about the people who came and stayed in these tents and left. Mixxxx’s biggest job was to find tents for those who would be staying over at night because the tents didn’t belong to anybody. They were tents that the hiking group set up initially. However, later they became common tents. So, Mixxxx catalogued the tents and assigned them to people who needed them. I think till around May 9th this continued. Now when I think about it, I understand that such an island wide response was received on the 9th of May because of those people who came and went. If you think about it the boys who came for the “Aragalaya” came and stayed during those days and left.’’
‘’By the 14th, was this area complete?
The youth center is here.’’
‘’It was after the 18th that it changed significantly.’’
‘’By the 14th was this all that there was?’’
‘’The idea here is correct. However, when you look at this it seems like there weren’t many tents. I can guarantee and I’ll say that it was full of tents. I can remember the view that day. I have a photo of it. I can remember that photo. When you look from there, you can see that the whole area is full of tents. Full of small tents.’’
‘’When did the committee that started growing crops arrive?’’
‘’that was in this area, right?’’
‘’The plantation was in front.
By the 14th they weren’t there. It was right here, exactly right here.’’
‘’it wasn’t here by the 14th .’’
‘’That actually took place after the 18th. What happened was, that set of people moved here, right?’’
‘’They came from there, back here.’’
‘’Was it the 20th? Then it was afterwards.’’
‘’In this area was there anything behind you?’’
‘’When we set up here the jet committee was close to us. Afterwards we put up a tent and gave it to them. They stayed for three days and then moved here. Afterwards the “Kalawa” was established. It was the art exhibition. Afterwards everything else came. That was a big tent. Paxxx and the others stayed in small tents and then later we built the canopy and went there.’’
‘’Is this all there was by the 14th? Is there anything else to add?’’
‘’At the back there was an uncle with a beard who would play the guitar. He was there wearing a Sarong at the bakery.’’
‘’When did Axxx, Sxxxx and the others arrive?’’
‘’They arrived after the 14th. Amal was here before Sxxxx. I saw Axxx coming with the bodyguards. We would just stay. Nowhere was permanent. Only after 14th did we start having a place. It was after the kitchen was based that people started coming out. There is no kitchen here now anymore. There was a mobile toilet that was set up on the 10th in this area.
‘’Was It on this side of the road?’’
‘’It was on the other side.’’
‘’But they were common toilets,’’
‘’We would put it in the evening. We would call abans. Vixxx talks to them. When we talk to them, they say that they can give it to us, however the development authority wouldn’t allow it. Later, there is a small line here that belongs to the municipal council. We spoke to Rosie Senanayake and that’s how.the gap was the negative person. When we try to keep it there initially the police refused. Afterwards after a set of us went, they allowed us to keep it there.’’
‘’There is a ground over here, and there is a road, Baladaksha Mawatha. There is a small line there. They wouldn’t allow us to keep it on the pavement itself. We needed money for this. I spoke to a donor. I spoke to Otara and abans and by then someone had deposited the money. We don’t know who that person is.’’
‘’During the time between the 9th and the 13th we used bottles to put up the name Gota go home on the net fence. I can’t remember the exact date.’’
‘’It was here, right? This is the net separating the port city, right?’’
‘’There was a certain situation, Raxxx. Around 10:00 AM in the morning Vixxx and I would go and give water to the people who needed to use the toilet. During the rainy days, we received a lot of food. When we would give them food on those days, some women would say they don’t want water. The men would drink water. I wondered why they were refusing the water despite not having enough of it. Then I realized that there is a toilet problem. That is when these toilets started working because the women didn’t ask for water. The males found a toilet and named it “Gnanakkka’s” something. After climbing down the stairs you would see that the toilets have been labeled” Gnanakkage dewale”. The stench was very strong. The men go to this toilet.’’
‘’Now, was it the voice of the people that brought them.’’
‘’Yes, yes. We communicated and organized it. Vixxx and I.’’
‘’So, who sponsored it? Initially, Otara agreed that she would help. However, before this happened somebody else had provided the money for it.’’
‘’Axxxx “Aiya” and the others had already paid for it. That is why we don’t know who paid for it. They would pay daily.’’
‘’Over 100,000 rupees had to be paid per day. There was a bowser parked nearby. Water had to be pumped from it into the tank every hour because there were many people. Another problem was that people had put pads in the toilets and they were getting clogged. We wondered what we could do to solve this problem. Afterwards they brought a machine that could suck out anything that was stuck because there was nothing else we could do.’’
‘’Yes, we did. On the 10th night while we were here a Muslim couple asked if they could feed their baby milk in the tent. We said they could and so they did. Afterwards that same night, we spoke to Mixxxx and over the megaphone….’’
‘’These days there is a problem of people getting lost because the crowd is huge.
When did the person who writes our banners come? Wasn’t he Maco? There was a couple, a husband who had long hair and his wife who helped make banners. The banners they wrote were very beautiful.’’
‘’I just remembered something. There was a tattoo artist who came on 50 days and tattooed 53 tattoos.’’
-”14 වෙච්ච සිදුවීම් වලින් වැදගත්ම එක මොකක්ද?”
– ”එදා වෙසක් දවසේ. sorry අවුරුදු දා. අපි 14 කරන්නේ. 11 කරන්නේ නැහැ. හැබැයි 11 වෙච්ච සිදධීන් සහ 10 වෙනිදා සිද්ධීත් මේකෙම ලියමු. 14වෙනකොට මෙතන ටෙන්ට් එකක් තිබ්බා නම් ඒ ටෙන්ට් 10 වෙනිදා දැම්මේ කියලා අපි ලියමු. 14 අවුරුදු දවස. පටන් ගනිමු.”
-”ඔයා කිව්වේ මොකක්ද? ගේට් සීරෝ එකෙන් පටන්ගත්තා කියලා. මේ පැත්තෙනේ galle face hotel එක. ඒ කියන්නේ මේ පැත්ත තමයි මුහුද.”
-”මෙතන statue එක. මේ පැත්ත බාලදක්ෂ මාවත නේ. මෙතන secretariat එක.”
-”දැන් මාක් කරගෙන යන්න මතක දේවල්. ඊට පස්සේ අපි වෙච්ච දේවල් මාක් කරමු. එක්කො වෙච්ච දේවල් වලින් පටන් ගන්න නැත්නම් දෙකෙන් එකක්.”
-”අප්රේල් 14 මෙතන. පාරක් විදියට ගමු. අපි ඒක පාරක් කරමු. තව ලයින් මෙහෙම ගහන්න. එතකොට නේ පාරක් වෙන්නේ. මෙතන තමයි අවුරුදු උත්සවය කරේ.”
-”port city ය මෙතනනේ. අවුරුදු උත්සවය මෙතන තමයි කළේ.”
-”එතකොට කවුද අවුරුදු උත්සවයට සහභාගි වුනේ?”
-”එතන ගොඩක් හිටියේ හාමුදුරුවරු. ගමේ කෑම අරන් ආපු කට්ටිය. මතකද ඔයගොල්ලන්ට?”
-”මම ආවේ දවල් වෙලා වගේ. දවල් වෙලා එනකොටත් ෆුල් අවුරුදු”
-”මම තරහ වෙලා හිටියේ. මොකද පළමු දවස් වල ජාතීන් එකමුතුව හිටියා. මුන් කළේ සිංහල මුල් කරගෙන කළේ.”
-”කවුද කළේ?”
-”එතන තාම ඕගනයිස් වෙලා නැහැනේ කට්ටිය. ඒ කට්ටිය අවුරුදු සමරමු කියලා එතන හාමුදුරුවරු සැමරුවේ. සිිංහල බණ කියලා සිංහල විතරක් කියලා. සිංහලෙන් විතරයි ඔක්කෝම වුනේ.”
-”එදාද අර හාමුදුරුවරු කට්ටියක් පෙරහැරෙන් වඩම්මාගෙන ආවේ? එදා එහෙමද වුනේ.”
-”පස්සේ නේ වඩම්මාගෙන ආවේ. ඕමල්පේ හාමුදුරුවන්ව පෙරහරෙන් වඩම්මාගෙන ආවා.”
අවුරුදු කෑම තිබ්බා මතකයි. එදා තමයි අපේ ටෙන්ට් එක අරන් මේ පැත්තට ආවේ.”
-”එදා ඔයගොල්ලන්ගේ ටෙන්ට් එක කොතනද තිබ්බේ?”
-”අපේ ටෙන්ට් එක තිබ්බේ මෙතන.”
-”ඔව් voice of peoples.”
-”ටෙන්ට් එක මෙතන තිබ්බා. මේක අපි move කරා මෙතෙන්ට.”
”මෙතන කවදද ඔයගොල්ලෝ ටෙන්ට් එක දැම්මේ?”
-”නව වෙනිදා. 10වෙනිදා අපි දැම්මේ මෙතන. 10 උදේ. අපි පටන් ගත්තේ මෙතන.”
”ඔය ගොල්ලෝ move කරේ කොතන්ටද?”
-”නෑ නෑ මෙහේ නෙවෙයි, මෙතන move කළේ අපි. ඒක move වුනා අපි මෙතෙන්ට. මොකද හේතුව සද්දෙ ගොඩයි. දැන් අපි voices නේ. එතකොට මුන් කෑගහනවා, මිනිස්සුන්ට කතා කරන්න බැහැ. ඉතින් මෙතෙන්ට ආවා. එතකොට අපි ලඟ තිබ්බේ පෙරටුගාමී, අන්තරේ, no wars ලාගේ හට් එකත් මෙතන තමයි දැම්මේ. ගේට් සීරෝ ඉස්සරහා.”
-”කවදද 14 වෙනිදා ද මෙතනට move කළේ? ”
-” 13 වෙනිදා.”
-” ඊලඟට 10 වෙනිදා මෙතන තිබුණනේ tent 3ක්? ”
-”පැxxx ලා අරන් ගියානේ. ඒක permanent එකක් නෙවෙයි.”
-”එතකොට ඒවා ගැලෙව්වා කියලා කියන්නද මෙතන?
– ”ඔව්. ඒවා 9 වෙනිදා තිබුණා. මෙතනින් එක ටෙන්ට් එකක් තිබුනා අපේ ගෲප් එක track කරන්න.”
-”එහෙම නම් මේක 10 වෙනිදා වෙද්දී මෙතෙන්ට ගියානෙ. මං ඒක ලියන්නද?”
-”මට මතකයි මේ හරියේ රෑ කෑම දෙන්න පටන් අරන් තිබුණා tents වලින්.
-”ඔයා කියන්නේ 14 ද?”
-”14 වෙන කොට කෑම සිස්ටම් එක හැදිලා තිබුණේ. මම කොඩි දාලා ලයිට් දාලා අපේ ටෙන්ට් එක හැදුවා. එතකොට අපි මෙතෙන්ට ආවෙ ඇත්තටම 11 රෑ 10.00ට විතර. මෙතන ඊට පස්සේ තව ටෙන්ට්ස් ගැහුවා . මං හිටපු තැන අපේ සෙට් එකේ අයගෙ ටෙන්ට්ස් දෙකක් තිබුණා. මේ ටෙන්ට් එකේ හිටපු සෙට් එකක් එකතුවෙලා තමයි නම දාලා ඉවරවෙලා 11.00 උදේ මෙන්න මෙතන පළමුවෙන බෝඩ් එක ගැහැව්වේ ”ගෝටාගෝගම” කියලා. මේක අපි 4 දෙනෙක් 11 වෙනිදා උදේ ගැහුවෙ.”
-”කවුද ගැහැව්වේ?”
”එතන හිටියා තව 5ක් 6ක් විතර රෑ එලිවෙනකන් අපි එක්ක. එකෙක් හිටියා රොxxx කියලා නුවරින් ආව. ඌට ඕන වෙලා තිබුණේ උදේ මෙතනින් යන්න කලින් google වල checking වෙන්න ඕන වුනා. ඉතින් මූ අපි කතා කර කර හොඳට ජොයින්ට් ගහන ගමන් රැ තිස්සේ යනවා, අර පැත්තේ රවුමක් දාන ගමන් කියනවා ‘දැන් නමක් දාන්න ඕනේ google maps වල logging වෙන්න’ කියලා. ඕක ආවේ අර ‘පිස්සට හූ කියපු හන්දිය’ කියලා Google එකේ දාලා පොඩි trend එකක් හැදිලා තිබුණනේ. මිරිහාන නෙවෙයි ජුබිලි කණුවට. ‘පිස්සට හූ කියපු හන්දිය’ Google දාලා ඕක viral වෙලා තිබ්බනේ. ‘මේකට logging වෙන්න ඕනේ. මං නුවර ඉඳන් ආවේ.’ ඔහොම කිය කිය හිටියා. රෑ තිස්සේ එක එක නම් කල්පනා කරනවා. ‘මම advertising marketing වල වැඩ කරන්නේ. මං යාලුවන්ගේ පොඩි පොඩි බිස්නස් වලට නම් ගොඩක් දාලා තියෙනවා. නම් දාන සීන් එකේ මම ඉන්නෙ. ‘ඔහොම කිය කිය ඉඳලා අන්තිමට 11 උදේ අපි ගිහිල්ලා ආපහු හවස එමු කියලා ගියා. හවස තව සෙට් එකක් අපි එක්ක හිටියා.”
”යන්න ඉස්සෙල්ලා මතක දේවල් තියෙනවද?”
-”මේක විතරයි. මට එදා මතක නැහැ.”
-”10 වෙනිදා දාපු ටෙන්ට් එහෙම?”
-”නෑ මට එහෙම මතක නැහැ.”
-”මං ඒ කතාව ලිව්වා. මං ගාව ඒකේ කම්ප්ලීට් කරපු සම්පූර්ණ ලියපු එකක් තියෙනවා. ඒකෙ ඔක්කෝම ටික තියෙනවා කොහොමද උනේ කියලා.”
-”මගේ පෞද්ගලික මතකය මේ කියන්නේ. 14 වෙනිදා වෙන කොට මං දන්නේ නැහැ ඒක මගේ perspective එක. එතකොට මම දන්නවා උදේ අපි මේක මේක ගහලා ටිකකින් තමයි මෙතන හිටපු කෙනෙක් (මට ඇයගේ නම මතක නැ.) ගිහිල්ලා රැට්ටවත් එක්කන් ඇවිල්ලා අපි ඉන්නකොටමයි ඒ video එක ගත්තේ. මට මතකයි. මේ අවුරුදු උත්සවේ… මේ ගම නේ… එතකොට 11 නේ. ‘අවුරුදු උත්සවය කරමු’ කියලා බෝඩ් එක ගහලා විනාඩි 15කින් විතර රැට්ටත් එක්ක ඇවිල්ලා ‘ඔය ගොල්ලොත් 14 වෙනිදා අවුරුදු සමරන්න ගෝටාගෝගමට එන්න.’ කියලා වීඩියෝ එක දැම්මා. එතකොට 10 ට විතර අපි ගිහිල්ලා නිදාගෙන 4ට විතර නැගිටින කොට වැඩේ full viral ගිහිල්ලා. මට කxxx කිව්වේ ඕක ගහලා පැය දෙකක් යනකොට ගොටාගෝගමේ ටෙන්ට් ගන්න offers තියෙනවා කියලා post එකකුත් වැටිලා තිබුණා ගමේ නමත් එක්ක. ඒ කියන්නේ ඒක මෙහෙම කරන කොට pickup වෙලා ගියා. මේතන බෝඩ් එකේ පොටෝ තියෙනවා. මේකේ සිංහල විතරයි මුලින් තිබුණේ. ඕක සෑහෙන්න කතා කළා. අපි දෙමළත් දාන්න ඕනේ එහෙමයි කියලා. මං කිව්වා ‘අපි එකෙක්වත් දෙමළ දන්නෙත් නැහැ. එක දෙමළ මනුස්සයෙක්වත් ඇත්තෙත් නැහැ. ඉතින් නිකං මොකටද ගහන්නේ. දෙමළ කෙනෙක් ඕන්නම් ඇවිල්ලා ගහයි’ කියලා. එහෙම කියලා ඊට පස්සේ අපි ඒක ගහලා ගියා. අපි හවස එනකොට දෙමළත් ගහලා තිබ්බා. ඉංග්රීසියෙනුත් ඒ බෝඩ් එකේම ගහලා ඒක නිකං shrine එකක් වගේ වෙලා. හැබැයි ඊලඟ දවස වෙනකොට…”
-”ඒ හවස නේ 11වෙනිදා ද?”
-”ඔව් 11ම හවස. ඊට පස්සේ 12 ඒක තිබුණා. ඊට පස්සේ කවුරු හරි මෙන්න මේ හරිය වගේ තව බෝඩ් එකක් ගහලා තිබුණා ‘ගෝටාගෝගම’ කියලා. භාෂා 3 ම තියෙන එකක් ගහලා තිබ්බා. ඒකේ පොටෝ එකක් මං ගාව ඇති. ඊට පස්සේ මං ආයෙත් දැක්කේ එක බෝඩ් එකයි. ඒකත් අන්තිම හරිය වෙනකම් වගේ මේ පිළිමේ හරියේ වගේ ගෝටාගෝගම කියලා ගහලා තිබුනා. මං දැකපු අනික් බෝඩ් එක survive වෙලා සෑහෙන කාලයක් තිබුණා”
-”දැන් මේකත් 11 ද?”
-”මට sure නැහැ. මේකනම් පස්සේ. මේක 14 වෙනිදා තිබුණා. 14 වෙද්දී මේ හරියේ බෝඩ් එකක් තිබුණා.”
-”මේකත් තිබ්බා?”
-”ඔව්, මේක අන්තිම වෙනකම්ම තිබුණා. පස්සේ නැතිවුනා. මේක 14 ඉඳන් අන්තිම වෙනකන්ම තියෙනවා මං දැක්කා.”
-”මේකත් ගෝටාගෝගම නේද?”
-”ඔව්. අපි 10 වෙනිදා මෙතන හිටියා. ඊට පස්සේ අපේ ටෙන්ට් ටික ඔක්කෝම 14 වෙද්දී මෙතන කන්ද කොනටම ගිහිල්ලා තිබුණේ. මේ ලයිට් පත්තුවෙන ටෙන්ට් එක කියන අයින් වුනේ මැයි 9 ඇටෑක් එකේදී.”
-”මට මතක් වෙනවා රුxxxxx චිxxx. රුxxx අපි එකතුවෙලා යම් යම් බෝඩ් ලියනවා. 14න් පස්සේ බැංකු හොරාකාපු මාවත, මයිනා මාවත වගේ මාවත් ටික හැදුවා පස්සේ. ඒකේ දෙමළ සිංහල ඒවා ගැන මං දන්නේ නැහැ.”
-”පොඩ්ඩක් ඉන්න. ඒක අපි ඊලඟ මැප් එකට දාමු. එතකොට ඔයගොල්ලන්ට 10 වෙනිදා තිබුන ටෙන්ට් ටික මතකද? දැන් ඔයා 14 වෙනිදා මෙතනට ගියා කිව්වා. 10 මෙතෙන්ට ආවා කිව්වා. මෙතන එච්චර තිබුණේ නැහැ කියලා කිව්වා.”
-”දහය වැදුනා. දහය තමයි මේ පැත්තේ අර hiking tents ටික වැදුනේ. පොඩි පොඩි ටෙන්ට්ස් පිළිවෙලට තිබුණේ 10 ය.”
-”එහෙනම් 11 වෙනකොට බලන්න. මොනවද ටෙන්ට්ස් තිබුණේ?”
-” කxxxයි මායි එකට හිටිය group එක හින්දා එයාව මේ පැත්තට ගත්තොත් ලේසි වෙයි. එයා මාත් එක්ක හිටියේ. අපි 10 – 11 නේ ට්රැක් කරන්නේ. ඒක හින්දා පොඩ්ඩක් ලේසිවෙයි. ”
-”10 මෙතන ටෙන්ට් පේලිය වැදිලා නේද තිබුණේ?”
-”10 මෙන්න මෙතන කවුරුත් නැති ටෙන්ට් තිබුණා. බෝඩ් එකේ ඇඳපු ටෙන්ට් ටික මතකද?”
-”මෙන්න මෙතනනේ බං. මේ තියෙන්නේ බෝඩ් එක ගහපු තැන. බාලදක්ෂ මාවත.”
-”ඔයා ඒක අඳින්නකෝ.”
-”10×10 ටෙන්ට් 3 ක්. තුනක් නෙවෙයි 4ක්. ඒ කියන්නේ මේ 4 තමයි ඇත්තටම backbone එක වුනේ. people power එකයි ඊටපස්සේ මේ ටිකයි තමයි backbone උනේ.”
-”තව එකක් මෙන්න මෙතන වුනා. yellow cording oppression උන්ගේ බඩු වගයක් තියලා ගිහිල්ලා තිබුණා. ඒනිසා අපිට එදා බෝඩ් එක ගහන්න බැරි උනා. ”
-”ඒ 11 වෙනිදද?”
-”9 වෙනිදා ඉඳන් තිබුණා. 10 වෙනිදත් තිබුණා. ඊට පස්සේ ඒකේ බඩු ටික මෙතෙන්ට දීලා අයින් වුනා.”
-”මෙතන මට මතක නැහැ ටෙන්ට් කීයක්ද කියලා. මං මේ කියන්නේ අපි මෙතන රෑ මෙහේ ඉන්නකොට ගැහුවේ hiking ටෙන්ට් සෙට් එක. ඒ සෙට් එකේ මෙහෙම හැඩේට ටෙන්ට් දෙකක් තිබුණා.”
-”අපිට පිටිපස්සෙන් නෙවෙයිනේ.”
-”මේ වගේ හැඩේට නිකං ඒ ගොල්ලෝ ටෙන්ට් 10 ක් හරි දහයකට වඩා හරි ගැහුවා.”
-”ඊට පස්සේ මිxxxxගේ tent එක මෙතන තිබුණා.”
-”මිxxxxට tent තිබ්බ තැන් එක්ක මතක ඇති.”
-”මෙතන tent එකක් තිබ්බා 11 වෙනිදා discussion tent කියලා.”
-”මේ 11 වෙනිදද?”
-”මේ 10 ය රෑ ගැහුවේ. මේක අපිට track කරගන්න පුලූවන්. මෙතන ගෙනල්ලා ගැහුවා එක වගේම tent. අර කවුද කිව්වේ tourism tent කියලා. ඒ ගොල්ලන්ට tent තිබුණා බොරැල්ල හරි කොහේ හරි. ඒ ගොල්ලො ගෙනල්ලා තිබුනා එකම ජාතියේ tent set එකක් නම්බර්ස් එක්ක. ඒ ගොල්ලන්ගේ hiking group හිටියා. ඒ ගොල්ලෝ ලඟ mattress තිබුණා. ඔක්කෝම ඒ ගොල්ලෝ ගෙනල්ලා තිබුනා මං හිතන්නේ. එ ගොල්ලන්ගේ සෙට් එකක් හිටියා. ඇවිල්ලා ගහලා ගියා.”
”10 වෙනිදා discussion tent එකේ මොකක්ද තිබුනෙ?”
-”ඒක 13 වෙනිදා තිබ්බා අxxxxගේ program එකක්. මට හොඳට මතකයි. FUTA එකේ එකක්.”
-”මෙතන මේ හරියේ මෙච්චර ද ටෙන්ට් තිබුනේ.”
”ඔය කවද වෙනකොටද?”
-”14 ඊට වඩා තිබ්බා.”
-”දැන් මේ 11. අපි 10 වෙනිදා කලා.”
-”10 වෙනිදා මට මතක නැහැ මේ පැත්තේ තියෙනවා. මෙන්න මෙතන මිxxxxගේ ටෙන්ට් එක තිබුණා. ඒ ටික තිබුණා. මේ තියෙන්නේ 10×10 සෙට් එකක්. මට මතක ඔය ටිකයි. ”
-”11 වෙනිදා ගෝටාගෝගම බෝඩ් එක ආපු දවසේ.”
-”ඔව් 11 හවස් වෙද්දී තව ටෙන්ට් වැටුනා.”
-”ඒවා ටික ලියන්න බලන්න.”
-”මට මතක නැහැ කිසිම දෙයක්. මෙහෙත් වැටුනානේ. මෙහේ නැගලා ආවේ එදා.”
-”මේ නම දාන එක ලොකු ස්ටෝරියක්. මේ වෙලාවේ නම තිබුණේ නැහැ. පස්සේ තමයි නම දාගත්තේ. මේ මොනවද අපි කරන්නේ කියලා. ”
-”මේ පැත්තේ අන්තරේ. මේ පැත්තේ law association එක. මේ පැත්තේ youth for change. ඒක පටන් ගන්නේ මෙතන. මේ පැත්තේ දිගටම ලොකු එකක්. දිගට එනවා. youth for change. අන්තරේ ඔක්කොම මෙතන.”
-”ඒ 11 වෙනිදා වෙනකොටද?”
-”ඔව් මේ හරිය එනකොට මම දැක්කා අර හෙල්ත් එකට ෆාමසි වගේ එකක් මතකද? ඩොක්ටර්ලා කිහිප දෙනෙක් ඉඳගෙන බෙහෙත් දෙන්නේ තියාගෙන. tent එකක් තිබ්බා මෙතන. මේ හරියේ st.John තිබුණේ නැහැ ඒ දවස්වල. ambulance දෙකක් තමයි නතර කරළා තිබ්බේ.”
-”සර්වෝදය තිබුණා.”
-”ඒක ලියන්න ambulance කියලා.”
-” 9 වෙනිදා වෙනකොට ambulance දෙකක් තිබුනා කියලා මතකද?”
-”සර්වෝදයයි.st.John, redcross යි.”
-”3 ම තිබ්බද?”
-”සර්වෝදය තිබ්බා මට මතකයි.”
-”එහෙනම් ඒ තුන දාන්න.”
-”9 වෙනිදා තිබුණනේ ambulances.
-”3 ක් තිබුණා. සෙනඟ වැඩියිනේ..st.John එක තමයි මුලින්ම ආවේ.”
-”st.John කවද ඉඳලද?”
-”9 වෙනිදා ආවා. ambulance 3 ක් තිබ්බා.”
-”ඒක දිහා බලලා කිව්වොත් මතකය අවදි කිරීමක් නෙමෙයිනේ. st.john ambulance එක 9 වෙනිදා ආවා. සර්වෝදය කවද ඉඳලද?”
-”ඒ 9 වෙනිදා. ලොකු ambulance එකක් තිබුණා.”
-”අනිත් එක redcross 10 වෙනිදා ඉඳලා.”
-”මට මතකයි මම statue හරියෙනේ හිටියේ. 9 වෙනිදා හිටියා. හැබැයි ටෙන්ට් එක ගැහුවා කියලා මතක නැහැ මට.”
-”ඔය ගොල්ලන්ගේ ටෙන්ට් එකද? ”
-”redcross එකයි st.john එකයි.”
-”14 වෙනකොට 1ක් හෝ 2ක් ඇවිල්ලා තිබුණා.”
-”redcross එක සෑහෙන්න වෙනස් වුනානේ. configuration එකයි ඒ ගොල්ලෝ ටික ටික එහෙම වෙනස් වුනානේ.”
-”ඔය ගොල්ලෝ කිව්වා 14 වෙනකොට ටෙන්ට් ගොඩක් තිබ්බා කියලා. මොනවද තිබ්බේ කියලා මතකද?”
-”අර පිළිමය අයිනේ තව ටෙන්ට් 2යි. භාවනා කරන්න කියල කස්සප හාමුදුරුවො එකක් ගැහුවා නේද පිළිමය අයිනේ?”
-”14නේ. මේ තියෙන්නේ පිළිමයනේ. මේ statue එකනේ. මෙතන වගේ ගන්න තියෙන්නේ.”
-”නෑ statue එක මේ හරියේ තමයි හිටියේ කස්සප. කස්සප හාමුදුරුවො මුල් දවස් වල ටෙන්ට් එක ගහගෙන හිටියෙ statue එකට මේ පැත්තෙන් කන්ද උඩ.”
-”ඔයා ලියන්න. ඇරෝ එකක් දාලා ලියන්න.”
-”කස්සප හාමුදුරුවෝ ලෑස්ති වෙලා හිටියේ.”
-”ඒක ලයිට් මේවා එකක්ද? ”
-”ඒක දාපු දවසේ 12.”
-”නැහැ 12 නෙවෙයි. ”
-”12 හවස නේද?”
-”කොයි හරියෙද?”
-”පොඩ්ඩක් ඉන්න. 11 ලයිබ්රරිය මුලින්ම සෙට් වුනේ මෙන්න මේ හරිය වගේ වෙන්න ඕනේ. ඔන්න ඔය හරිය වගේ 10×10 ටෙන්ට් එකක තමා අxxxයි චxxxයි පොටෝ එක දැම්මේ. අxxxයි චxxxයි කියලා දාන්නකෝ. ඒකේ පොටෝ එකක් තියෙනවා පළමුවෙනියට දාපු. අxxx note එකක් ලියලා තිබ්බා ලස්සන එකක්.”
-”පලවෙනි දවසේ ගෝටාගෝගම බෝඩ් එක ගහලා පැය 2 ක් ඇතුලත ඔය ඔක්කෝම trigger වෙන්න ගත්තා. ලයිබ්රරියයි ඒ ලඟ තව එකක් තිබුණා.”
-”13 වෙනිදා අපි අපේ නීති ආධාර කඳවුර ගැහැව්වා. ඒක ගැහුවේ පුස්තකාලයට එහා පැත්තේ.”
-”ඒ කියන්නේ පොඩි 10×10 single එකක් ආවා. ඒක මට මතකයි අxxx පොත් ටික අරන් ඇවිල්ලා කැරකී කැරකී හිටියා. චxxxයි අපි කතා කර කර හිටියා ‘මොකක්ද කරන්නේ, ටෙන්ට් එකක් එනවා කිව්වා, ටෙන්ට් එක කොතනද ගහන්නේ’ කියලා කතා කර කර එහේ මෙහේ ඇවිද ඇවිද හිටියා. ඊට පස්සේ එදා රෑ අxxx පොත් ලිස්ට් එකක් අරගෙන ආවා. ඒ ටික තියලා ඉවරවෙලා ටෙන්ට් එකත් එක්ක පොටෝ එකක් දැම්මා. ඇත්තටම එතන ගොඩක් පොත් තිබුණෙත් නැහැ මට තේරුන විදියට.”
-”පොත් ලිස්ට් එක දාමු අපි.”
-”ඔවු තියෙනවා. මට අxxxගෙන් ගන්න පුලුවන්.”
-”නම සිංහලෙන්ද ලියලා තිබ්බේ.”
-”ඔව් සිංහලෙන්. අනිත් ඒකේ ‘ගෝටාපෝගම’ කියලා ගැහුවේ. ‘ගෝටාගෝගම’ නෙවෙයි ‘ගෝටාපෝගම’ කියලා. ලයිබ්රරියේ පළමු දවසේ ඉඳන් ගහලා තිබ්බේ ටැමිල් අකුරෙන්.”
-”ලයිබ්රරියේ තව board එකක් තිබ්බද?”
-”ලයිබ්රරියේ ගහපු තැන්වල ගහලා තිබ්බේ ගෝටාපෝගම කියලා. Tamil ‘පො’ යන්න දාලා.”
-”සිංහලෙන් ද English වලින් ද ඉතුරු ටික තිබ්බේ.”
-”මං හිතන්නේ Tamil වලින්.”
-”පෝ කියන එක Tamil වලින් තිබුණා. ගම කියන එක සිංහලෙන් තිබුණා. ගෝටා English වලින්. මට ඒක හොඳට මතකයි. ‘අයියෝ අපිට පෝ ගහන්න තිබ්බනේ.’කියලා හිතලා ඊට පස්සේ ආයි වෙනස් කලා.”
-”හරි එතකොට වෙන මොනවද තිබ්බේ. 14 වෙනිදා මේ පැත්තේ මොනවත් නැද්ද? IUSL, voice of people,අර law කියන්නේ මොකක්ද?”
-”ඒක lawyers ලාගේ.”
-”Bar association නෙවෙයි. නිකන් lawyers’ stage.”
-”කොහොම හරි මට මතකයි ඒ දවස් වල පොඩි walk එකක් යනවා ලෝයර්ස් ලා. එද්දී ඒ ගොල්ලන්ට speaker 1ක් ඕනේ. එතකොට පෙට්රල් නෑනේ. අපි ගාව ජෙනරේටරයක් තියෙනවා. මේ ගොල්ලෝ අපේ ජෙනරේටරය ඉල්ලා ගත්තා. අපි ජෙනරේටරය දුන්නාම පෙට්රල් නැහැ. දවසක් පන්න පන්න ලීටර් 4ක් ඉල්ලා ගත්තේ. ඒක තමයි මට මතක අල්ලපු සෙන්ටර් එකේ හිටියේ ලෝයර්ස් ලා කියලා.”
-”ඒක වුනේ 11වෙනිදා. 13 අපි මේ පැත්තට ගියා.”
-”13 ඔයා මෙහාට ගියා. මේ 11 වෙනිදා. මේක 11 ද පටන් ගත්තේ කියලා ප්රශ්න කරන්න ඕනේ.”
-”Sure නැහැ 11 ද කියලා.”
-”එතකොට 14 වෙන මොන ඒවද තිබුණේ.”
-”ලයිබ්රරියට එහා පැත්තේ 13 තිබ්බා දිග kitchen එකක්.”
-”ඊටත් පස්සේ නේ. 15 වගේනේ.”
-”මෙහෙමයි kitchen එක පොඩ්ඩක් ක්ලියර් කර ගන්න ඕනේ. kitchen එක form වෙන්න පටන් ගත්තේ comunity එක, බේකරිය කට්ටිය සිංදු කියන්න අනන් මනන් පටන් ගත්තනේ. එතන ටෙන්ට් එක ගහලා බේකරියේ වැඩ ටිකක් ගියා. 14 වෙන කොටත් බේකරියේ වැඩ ටික එතන යන්න පටන් අරන් තිබුනේ. පළමු වෙනි දවස් ටිකේම බේකරියේ කට්ටිය ඇවිල්ලා සෙට් වුනේ එතන.”
-”11 හෝ 12 තමයි ෂිරාස් මැරුනේ. අපි මෙතනින් move වෙන්න කලින් ෂිරාස් මැරුණා. මෙතන perform කර කර ඉන්න ගමන් එයා මැරුණා.”
-”මට දිනය මතක නැහැ. 12 -10 අතර. සන්නස්ගල ලා එහෙම සිංදු කිව්වේ.”
-”එතන ලියන්න.”
-”මට දිනය මතක නැහැ. 11-12 අතර. සිංදු කිය කිය ඉද්දි එයා මැරුණා කියලා මං දන්නේ. මෙතන ambulance එක්කෙනෙක් කිව්වා හරි අසාධ්යයයි කියලා. එතකොට අපි හිටියේ මෙතන. ඒක කියල පැයකින් විතර සන්නස්ගල ෆේස්බුක් එකේ දැම්මා ෂිරාස් මරුණා කියලා.”
-”හරි හරි අවුරුද්ද දවස්වල තමයි උනේ. අවුරුද්දට අපි යනවා අර පැත්තට.”
-”එතකොට වෙන මොනවද මතක 14 වෙනකොට. දැන් මෙතන කොඩියක් තිබ්බා. මේතන stage එක ගහලා තිබ්බාද?”
-”සුදු ලොකු බැනර් එක SYU එකෙන් ගහපු එකක් තිබුණා මෙතන. මං ගාව පොටෝ එක ඇති.”
-”මෙතනත් මඩ තිබ්බේ. මේ හරියේ තමයි ගෝටාගෝගම බෝඩ් එක තිබ්බේ.”
-”මේ රණවිරුවෝ කවද්ද ආවේ. රණවිරුවෝ මේ හරියේ පදිංචි වෙන්න ආවා නේද?”
-”අවුරුද්ද වෙනකොට රණවිරුවෝ හිටියේ නැහැ. මට මතක විදියට.”
-”ලොකු සුදු බැනර් එකක කලූ පාටින් ලියලා තිබ්බේ. ඒක හරි විශේෂයි. මං ගාව පොටෝ එක ඇති.”
-”පස්සේ බලලා ලියන්න. දැනට මම මෙහෙම මාක් කරන්නද?”
-”සමිතා ඉඳිගොල ආරච්චි සහ අපේ චිත්ර ශිල්පී සිබිල් වෙත්තසිංහ, කුසලා වෙත්තසිංහ ඒ දෙන්නා psychosocial sport පටන් ගත්තා අපි එන දවසේ. මේ හරියේ ටෙන්ට් එකක් තිබ්බා psychosocial sport කියලා.”
-”Media ටෙන්ට් එක කවද්ද ආවේ.”
-”Media tent එක 18 වගේ. මං හිතන්නේ පස්සේ 18 වගේ”
-”14 වෙනකම් තමයි මෙතන ලියන්නේ. 14 ට ඉස්සෙල්ලා දාන්න. පස්සේ මොනවත් දාන්න එපා.”
-” රxxxx මේ වැඩත් එක්ක තමිල් වලින් කතා කරද්දි හිරවෙන කොට මට කතා කරනවා. ඒ කාලේ මතකයි. එතකොට මම යනවා. ගිහිල්ලා help කරනවා. ඉතින් මේ හැමතැනම ගැන වගේ මගේ ඔලුවෙ තියෙනවා මට තමිල් කතා කරන්න පුලුවන් නිසා.”
-”ඉතින් ඔයා ලියන්න ඔයා ගියපු තැන් ගැන.”
-”අවුරුදු දවසේ වෙන මොනවත් උනාද? ඔයා කිව්වේ සිංහලෙන් විතරයි ඔක්කෝම වුනේ. ඒක සිංහල උත්සවයක් හැටියට තිබුනේ. දෙමළ උත්සවයක් හැටියට තිබුනේ නැහැ කියලා.”
-”එතන ඔක්කෝම එකට හිටිය තැනක්නේ. එහෙම කරමු කිව්වට හැබැයි එහෙම උනේ නැහැ.”
-”හැබැයි මෙතනට කවුරු හරි ඇවිල්ලා ජාතික ගීය ගායනා කළා නේද ටැමිල් වලින්? එතකොට කස්සප ඇවිල්ලා වලි දාපුවා මට මතකයි මේ ටෙන්ට් එකේ. ඒක උනේ 14 න් පස්සේ. ඉතින් මේක උනේ ඒ දවසට කලින්.”
”රxxxx, මෙxxxx සහ එයාගෙ වයිෆ් මට නම මතක නැහැ. ඔවුන් මෙතන හිටියා අපි withdraw වෙනකම්ම. එයාට කනේ මොකක්ද අවුලක් ඇවිල්ලා තිබුනා. ඒත් අඩුම තරමේ මැයි මැද වෙනකම් විතර එයා හිටියා. මට හරියට ෂුවර් නැහැ. එයාගෙන් අහගන්න පුලුවන්. නුxxx තමයි ටෙන්ට්ස් systematized කරලා නම්බර්ස් දීලා ඒ වැඩේ කළේ.”
-”14 වෙනකොට ඒ ගොල්ලෝ systematized කළේ නෑනේ.”
-”systematized කළේ නැහැ. හැබැයි මට මතකයි අපි ටෙන්ට් එකක් ගහන්න ගියත් එයාගෙන් තමයි අහන්නේ කොතනද ගහන්නේ කියලා.”
-”මිxxxxයි wife යි එක්ක වෙනම session කරොත් එහෙම ඒක සෑහෙන්න memory එකක් වේවි.”
-”ඔහු හරිම මිත්රශීලියි. එක එක්කෙනාට මොනවා හරි රෝල් එකක් තිබ්බා. ඒනිසා ඌ හැමෝම ගාවට යනවා. ඌ කොහොම හරි අල්ලගෙන හිටියා.”
”kitchen එක ඇවිල්ලා තිබුනද?”
-”ඒ කුස්සිය නෙවෙයි. ඒ බේකරිය. මං දන්නේ නැහැ ඒක කොහොමද frame කරගන්නේ කියලා. මං කියන්නේ මේ ඒරියා එකේ බේකරි සෙට් එක හිටියා. 12 – 13 වෙනකොටත් හිටියා. මං මේ කියන්නේ බේකරිය ටෙන්ට් එක කියන්නත් බැහැ. බේකරියේ සෙට් එක එතන්ට මේවා වුනා. කුස්සිය එතෙන්ට එන්න හේතුවුනේ බේකරි සෙට් එක එතන හිටපු එකයි. 14 වෙනකොට කුස්සිය නැහැ. උයන්න පටන් අරන් එහෙම නැහැ. බේකරි සෙට් එක එතන ඉන්න නිසා කුස්සියෙ අයත් එතනට ආවා.”
-”මේ group එක මෙතනට ආවෙ කෑම හදන වැඩ වලට කියලා දාන්නම්. එතකොට හරිනේ?”
-”ඔව්, ඒක verify කර ගන්න වෙනවා. මට sure නැහැ. ඒ වෙනකොට Pattern එක හැදිලද කියලා. එහෙම එකක් තිබුනා. මේ ටෙන්ට් සෙට් එක අපි අඳිනකොට මේ පැත්තේ කන්න දෙන සීන් එකක් තිබුනනේ. people trust එක ආවේ නැහැ. මේ ගොල්ලෝ මෙතෙන්ට බඩු ටික දැම්මනේ. එකෙන් තමයිpeople park එක හැදුනේ. එහෙමයි වුනේ.”
-”තව මේ ඔක්කෝම connect කරන පුද්ගලයෙක් හිටියා. ඒ ෆාදර් ජීවන්ත.”
-”ෆාදර් හිටියා. මට ෆාදර්ව මුල ඉදන්ම නෝට් වුනා…”
-”කොහොමහරි 13 වෙනකොට මේ statue ගාවට හොඳ view එකක් තියෙනවා මේ ටෙන්ට් වලින් පිරිච්ච. මෙහෙ ටෙන්ට් වලින් පිරිලා. පොඩි පොඩි ටෙන්ට් වලින් පිරිලා.”
-”ඒ ටෙන්ට් වල ඉන්නේ කවුද?”
-”මට ඒක ගැන එච්චර මතකයක් නැහැ.”
-”අම්මෝ මම මේ කල්පනා කලේ ඒ දවස්වල ඇවිල්ලා ඉඳලා ගිය එවුන්. දැන් මිxxxxගේ ලොකුම ජොබ් එක වුනේ පිටින් එන අයට ටෙන්ට් නැති අයට, රෑ ඉන්න අයට, ඒ ගැන බලන එක. මේ ටෙන්ට් ටික කාටවත් අයිති නෑනේ. මුල් ටිකේ hiking ඇවිල්ලා ගහපු ටෙන්ට්ස් ටිකනේ. එතකොට ඒවා common විදියට තමයි තිබුනේ. එතකොට මිxxxx කළේ බලලා catalog කරලා කට්ටියට දෙන එක. එතකොට ඕක මං හිතන්නේ මැයි 9 වෙනකම්ම ලොකුවට ගියා ඔය වැඩේ. දැන් මට හිතද්දි තමයි තේරෙන්නේ මැයි 9 කොච්චර මුලු රටෙන්ම ප්රතිචාරයක් ආවේ ඇවිල්ලා ගිය එවුන් ගොඩක් හිටිය හින්දනේ කියලා. නිකං හිතලා බැලුවම ඔය අරගලය කරන කොල්ලෝ ටික ඇවිල්ලා ඒ දවස්වල ඉඳලා තමයි ගියේ.”
”14 වෙනකොට මේ හරිය හරිද?
-”youth center එක මෙතන.”
-”18 න් පස්සේ තමයි සැලකිය යුතු විදියට වෙනස් වුනේ.”
-”මේ හරිය 14 වෙනකොට මෙච්චර ද තිබුනේ?”
-”මෙතන අදහස හරි. හැබැයි මේක දිහා බැලූවම ටෙන්ට් නෑ වගේ පේනවා. ගැරන්ට් කරලා කියන්න පුලූවන් මේ ටෙන්ට්ස් ඔක්කොම පිරිලා තිබ්බේ කියලා13 හවස වෙද්දී. එදා view එක මට මතකයි. පොටෝ එකක් තියෙනවා මං ගාව. මට මතකයි ඒ පොටෝ එක. එතන ඉඳන් බැලුවම මේ ඔක්කෝම පේන විදියේ පොටෝ එකක් තියෙනවා. ඒකේ ඔක්කෝම ටෙන්ට් පිරිලා තියෙනවා. පොඩි පොඩි ටෙන්ට්ස්.”
-”අර වගා කරපු කමිටු කවදද ආවේ. ඒක මේ හරියේ නේද?”
-”වගාව තිබ්බේ ඉස්සරහා.”
-”14 වෙනකොට හිටියේ නැහැ. මෙතන තිබ්බේ හරියටම.”
-”ඒක ඇත්තටම වුනේ 18 වෙනිදායින් පස්සේ කේස් එක වැඩකරපු විදිය එක්ක. ඔය ගොල්ලෝ මෙහේට නේද move වුනේ.”
-”එහේ ඉඳන් ආපහු මෙහේට ආවා.”
-”20 නේ? එහෙනම් ඊට පස්සේ තමයි.”
-”මේ හරියේ ඔයගොල්ලන්ට පිටිපස්සේ මොනවා හරි තිබුනද?”
-”මෙතන අපි දාන කොට jet committee එකත් ළඟට ආවා. ඊට පස්සේ මෙතන ටෙන්ට් එකක් එයාලට හදලා දුන්නා. ඔවුන් දවස් 3 ක් ඉඳලා ඊට පස්සේ මෙතෙන්ට move වුනා. ඊට පස්සේ ‘කලාව’ චිත්රාගාරය ආවා. ඊට පස්සේ තමයි මේ ඔක්කෝම ආවේ. ඒක ලොකු ටෙන්ට් එකක්. පැxxx ලා එහෙම පොඩි පොඩි ටෙන්ට් වල හිටියා. අර ලොකු කැනපි එක හදාගෙන අපි ඒකට ගියා.”
-”14 වෙනකොට මේ හරිද? තව දේවල් තියෙනවද ඇඩ් කරන්න.”
-”අර පිටිපස්සේ රැවුල මෙහෙම තියපු අංකල් අර ගිටාර් ගහන එක්කෙනා, එයා එතකොට හිටියා. බේකරියේ, සරම ඇඳගෙන”
-”ඔය අxxxලා සෙxxxලා කවද්ද ආවේ.”
-”14 න් පස්සේ. සේxxxට කලින් අxxx හිටියා.”
-” අxxx බොඩිගාඩ්ල එක්කල යනවා එනවා මං දැකලා තියෙනවා. අපි කොහොමත් නිකං හිටියා. නමුත් ස්ථාපිත වුනේ නැහැ කොතනකවත්. 14න් පස්සේ තමයි අර තැනක් විදියට එන්න ගත්තේ. කුස්සිය බේස්වෙලානේ ඒ ගොල්ලෝ එලියට එන්න ගත්තේ. දැන් මෙතන තාම කුස්සිය නෑනේ. අර Mobile toilet සෙට් එක ඒක 10 වැදුනේ. ඒක වැදුනේ මේ හරියේ නේ.”
-”පාරෙන් මේ පැත්තෙද?”
-”පාරෙන් එහා පැත්තේ.”
-”හැබැයි common toilet නේ.”
-”මේක හවස දාන්නේ අපි. දාලා අබාන්ස් ලට විxxx කතා කරනවා. කතා කළාම ඒගොල්ලෝ කිව්වා ‘දෙන්න පුලූවන්. නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය දාන්න දෙන්නේ නැහැ’ කියලා. ඊට පස්සේ මෙතන පොඩි ලයින් එකක් තියෙනවා municipal එකට අයිති. එතකොට රෝසි සේනානායකට කථාකරලා තමයි ඒ ඉඩ අපි ගත්තෙ. ඒක තියන්න යනකොටත් පොලිසිය බැහැ කිව්වා. පොලිසිය දාන්න දුන්නේ නැහැ. ඊට පස්සේ සෙට් එකක් ගියා. ඊට පස්සේ දාන්න දුන්නා.”
-”මෙතන පිට්ටනියක් එකක් තියෙනවා. මෙතන පාර තියෙනවා -බාලදක්ෂ මාවත. එතැන පොඩි ලයින් එකක් තියෙනවා. පේමන්ට් එකටම දාන්න දුන්නේ නැහැ.ඒකට සල්ලි ඕන උනා. මම donor කෙනෙකුට කතාකළා. ඔටාරට කතා කරලා අබාන්ස්ලට කතා කරනකොට තව කෙනෙක් සල්ලි දාලා තිබ්බා. එයා කවුද කියලා අපි දන්නේ නැහැ.”
-”9 සිට 13 කාලය තුල බෝතල් වලින් gota go home කියලා ගැහුවේ අර දැලේ. දවස නම් මතක නැහැ හරියට.”
-”මෙතනනේ. අර පෝට් සිටි එකේ දැලනේ.”
”මේක නිකන් සිද්ධියක් රxxx. දවසක් උදේ 10 විතර මම යි විxxxයි වතුර දෙනවා මිනිසුන්ට. වැස්ස වෙලාවේ කෑම ගොඩක් ආවනේ. එදා ඒවා බෙදනකොට ගැහැණු කට්ටිය වතුර එපා කියනවා. පිරිමි අය වතුර බොනවා. අපි කල්පනා කලා බොන වතුර මෙච්චර අඩුවෙන් තිබිලත් මෙයාලා බොන්නේ නැහැනේ කියලා. පස්සෙ තමයි තේරුනේ මේ ටොයිලට් ප්රශ්නේ තියෙන නිසා තමයි ගෑණු අය වතුර බොන්නෙ නැත්තෙ කියලා. පිරිමි කට්ටිය මේ පැත්තේ ටොයිලට් එකක් හොයාගෙන නමකුත් දාලා තිබ්බා ‘ඥානක්කගේ දේවාලෙ’ද මොකක්ද එකක්. අර පඩිපෙළෙන් බැහැලා ඒකට යන්න ඕන. ගන්දස්සාරේ බැහැ. පිරිමි යනවා ඔතන්ට.”
-”දැන් voice of the people ද ඒ වැසිකිලි ගෙන්න ගත්තේ?”
-”ඔව් ඔව්.. කතා කරලා සම්බන්ධීකරණය කළේ විxxxයි මායි.”
-”ඉතින් ඒකට sponsor කළේ කවුද?”
-”ඒකට ඉස්සෙල්ලාම උදව් කරන්නම් කියලා පොරොනදු වුනේ ඔටාරා. හැබැයි ඊට කලින් කවුරු හරි ඒක දාලා තිබ්බා. ඒත් ඒකට ගෙව්වෙ අxxx අයියලා.අන්න ඒක තමයි කවුද කියලා අපි දන්නේ නැත්තෙ. ඒ කට්ටිය තමයි දිනපතා ගෙවීම් කළේ.”
-”දවසකට ලක්ෂයකට වඩා ගෙවන්න වුනා. ඒක මෙහෙමනේ. බවුසරයක් එතන නතර කරලා තියෙන්නේ. පැයෙන් පැය pump කරන්න ඕනේ. ටැන්කියට වතුර පුරවන්න ඕනේ. සෙනඟ වැඩියිනේ. තව ප්රශ්නයක් තියෙනවා පෑඩ් දාලා. එතකොට අපිට ඒ ගොල්ලන් කිව්වා මේක හිරවෙනවා කියලා. ඊට පස්සේ ඒකට මොකද කරන්නේ කියලා. ඒකත් අපි කතා කළා. ඊට පස්සේ ඒ ගොල්ලන් කිව්වා ඒ ගොල්ලෝ ඇදලා ගන්න පුලූවන් තව මැෂින් එකක් ගෙනාවා කියලා. වෙන කරන්න විදියක් නෑනේ.”
-”ඔව්, අපි කළා. අපි 10 වෙනිදා රෑ මෙතන ඉන්න කොට මුස්ලිම් කපල් එකක් ආවා ‘බබාට කිරි දෙන්න පුලූවන්ද ටෙන්ට් එකේ’ කියලා අහලා. ඊට පස්සේ අපි කිරි දෙන්න කියලා කිව්වා. එදා රෑ ම මිxxx එක්ක කතා කරා මෙගා ෆෝන් එකෙන්ම…”
-”මේ දවස් වල ළමයි නැතිවෙන සීන් එකක් තිබුනා. සෙනඟ වැඩියිනේ.”
-”අර බැනර් එහෙම ලියන එක්කෙනා කවද්ද ආවේ? මැකො නෙවෙයිද? කොන්ඩේ දිගට වවපු husband and wife කපල් එකක් බැනර් ලිව්වා. ඒවා හරිම ලස්සනයි.”
-”මට දැන් මතක් වුනා එකක්. ටැටූ ආටිස්ට් කෙනෙක් හිටියා. එයා දවස් 50 ක් ඇවිල්ලා ටැටූ 53ක් ගහලා තිබුනා.”
14 ஆம் திகதி இடம்பெற்ற நிகழ்வில் மிக முக்கியமான எது? அன்று. வெசாக் தினம். sorry புத்தாண்டு தினத்தை நாங்கள் 11 அல்ல 14 செய்கிறோம். ஆனால் 11ம் திகதி நடந்த நிகழ்வுகளையும், 10ம் திகதி நடந்த நிகழ்வுகளையும் இதில் எழுதுவோம். இங்கு 14ம் திகதி இங்கே tent ஒன்று இருந்தது என்றால் அந்த tent 10ம் திகதி அமைக்கப்பட்டது என்று எழுதுவோம். 14 புத்தாண்டு தினத்தில் – தொடங்குவோம்.
நீ என்ன சொன்னாய்?; அது gate 0 இலிருந்து தொடங்கியது. இந்தப் பக்கம்தானே galle face – galle face hotel. அதாவது இந்தப் பக்கம் கடல்.
Person – 1
இங்கே statue. இந்தப் பக்கம் சாரணர் பாதை தானே. இங்கே secretariat.
இப்போது நினைவில் உள்ள விடயங்களை குறித்துக்கொண்டு செல்லுங்கள். அதன்பிறகு நாங்கள் நடந்த நிகழ்வுகளைக் குறித்துக்கொள்வோம். ஒன்று நடந்தவைகளில் இருந்து அல்லது இரண்டில் ஒன்றைத் தொடங்குங்கள்.
Person – 2
ஏப்ரல் 14 இங்கே, பாதையாக எடுப்போம்.நாங்கள் அதை பாதையாக்குவோம். இன்னுமொரு கோடொன்றினை இப்படி வரையுங்கள். அப்போதுதான் அது பாதையாகும.; இங்கே தான் புத்தாண்டு விழாவை கொண்டாடினோம்.
port city இங்கே தானே.
Person – 2
புத்தாண்டு celebration இங்கே தான் செய்தோம்.
அப்போ யார் அந்த புத்தாண்டு celebration களில் கலந்து கொண்டது?
Person – 2
அங்கே மதகுருமார்கள் தான் அதிகாக இருந்தார்கள். கிராமத்திலிருந்து உணவு கொண்டு வந்த மக்களை – உங்களுக்கு ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறதா?
Person – 2
நான் மத்தியானம் தான் வந்தேன். மத்தியானம் வரும்போதும் கொண்டாட்டம் தான்.
Person – 2
நான் கோபத்துடன் இருந்தேன். ஏனென்றால் ஆரம்பகாலத்தில் எல்லா இனத்தவரும் ஒற்றுமையாக இருந்தார்கள். இவர்கள் சிங்களத்தை அடிப்படையாக வைத்து செய்கிறார்கள்.
யார் செய்தது?
Person – 2
அங்கே மக்கள் இன்னும் organize ஆகவில்லைதானே.அங்கே மக்கள் புத்தாண்டை கொண்டாட வந்ததற்கு மதகுருக்கள் தான் கொண்டாடினார்கள்.சிங்கள பன சொல்லி, சிங்களத்தில் மட்டும் சொல்லி, சிங்களத்தில் மட்டுமே எல்லாமும் இடம்பெற்றது
Person – 1
அன்றைய தினமா அந்த மதகுரு குழுவினை ஊர்வலமாக அழைத்து வந்தார்கள்? அன்று அப்படியா நடந்தது.
Person – 2
பின்னர்தானே அழைத்துவந்தார்கள். ஓமல்பேயை ஊர்வலமாக அழைத்துவந்தார்கள். புத்தாண்டு உணவு பண்டங்கள் இருந்தது ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ளது. அன்றுதான் எங்களது கூடாரத்தை இந்தப்பக்கத்திற்கு எடுத்து வந்தோம்.
அன்று உங்களது கூடாரம் எங்கே இருந்தது?
Person – 2
இங்கே தான் எங்களது கூடாரம் இருந்தது.
ஆம். voices of peoples.
Person – 2
கூடாரம் எங்கே இருந்தது? நாங்கள் அதை இங்கே move செய்தோம்.
நீங்கள் எப்போது இங்கே கூடாரத்தை போட்டீர்கள்?
Pநசளழn – 2
நாங்கள் ஒன்பதாம் திகதி,10ம் திகதிகளில் இங்கு போட்டோம். 10ம் திகதி காலையில் நாங்கள் இங்கே ஆரம்பித்தோம்.
நீங்கள் எங்கே move ஆனீர்கள்?
இல்லை,இல்லை இங்கே இல்லை. இங்குதான் நாங்கள் move ஆகினோம்.
நாங்கள் இந்த இடத்திற்கு move ஆகினோம். என்ன காரணமென்றல் sound அதிகம். நாங்கள் இப்போ voice தானே. அப்போது இவர்கள் சத்தம் போடுகிறார்கள்; மக்களுக்கு கதைக்க முடியவி;ல்லை. இங்கே வந்தார்கள். அப்போது எங்கள் அருகில் முன்னிலைவாதிகள் இருந்தார்கள். பல்கலைக்கழத்தினரின் no wars குழுவினரின் கூடாரம் ஒன்று gate o முன்னால் இங்குதான் அமைத்தோம்.
எப்போது 14ம் திகதியா இங்கே move ஆனீர்கள்? 13ம் திகதி
அதன்பிறகு 10ம் திகதி இங்கே 3 tents இருந்தது.
Person – 2
பெத்தும் குழு எடுத்து போய்விட்டது தானே
Person – 2
ஆம், அது permanent ஒன்றில்லை
அப்போது அதை இங்கிருந்து கழற்றி விட்டார்கள் என்று சொல்லவா?
14 ஆகும்போது அவை….
Person – 1
அவை 9ம் திகதி இருந்தது. இங்கே ஒரு கூடாரம் – எங்களது குழுவை track செய்ய – அப்படியென்றால் இது 10ம் திகதியாகும்போது இந்த இடத்திற்கு போய்விட்டது.அதை நான் எழுதவா?
Person – 3
இங்கே இருந்த tent களில் இரவு உணவு வழங்க ஆரம்பித்து இருந்தது எனக்கு ஞாபகமிருக்கிறது.
நீ 14ம் திகதியை தானே சொல்கிறாய்?
Person – 1
14ம் திகதியாகும்போது உணவின் விதிமுறைகள் சரியாக அமைந்துவிட்டது. நான் இவ்வாறு flag அசைக்கிறேன் – flag போட்டு மின்குமிழ் வெளிச்சம் காட்டிய flag என்றால் பிரச்சினை இல்லைதானே. பிறகு நாங்கள் உண்மையில்11 மணிக்கு இங்கு வந்துவிட்டோம். ஆம். இரவு 10 மணி. அதன்பிறகு எங்களது குழுவில் இங்கே இருந்தவர்களின் tent – ம், நாங்கள் இருந்த tents – உடனும் இரண்டு இருந்தது. இதோ இந்த tent இருந்த குழு பெயர் எழுதி முடித்ததன் பிறகு காலையில் 11 மணிக்கு இதோ இந்த இடத்தில் முதலாவதாக கோட்ட கோ கம எனும் பதாதையை அடித்தார்கள். இது நாங்கள் 4பேர் 11ம் திகதி காலையில் செய்தது.
யார் செய்தது?
Person – 1
I came up with the names. அங்கே இன்னும் 5 -6 பேர் இருந்தார்கள். நாங்கள் இரவு முழுவதும் – — என்று Kandy யில் இருந்து வந்த ஒருவர் இருந்தார். அவனுக்கு காலையில் இங்கிருந்து போவதற்கு முன் wanted to checking on Google. Google களில் checking ஆகும் தேவை ஒன்று இருந்தது. checking ஆகும் தேவை இருந்ததால் இவனும் கதைத்துக்கொண்டு நல்லா ஜொயின்டும் அடித்துக்கொண்டு இரவு முழுவதும் பயணிக்கிறோம் – அந்தப்பக்கம் ஒரு ரவுண் ஒன்று அடிக்கிறோம். இப்போது Google maps களில் logging ஆவதற்கு பெயர் ஒன்று போட வேண்டும். அது வந்தது அந்த பைத்தியத்திறகு ஊ வைத்த சந்தியை Google லில் போட்டு மிரிஹானவில் இல்லை ஜுபிலி கணுவில் சின்ன trend ஒன்று உருவாகி இருந்தது தானே. பைத்தியத்திறகு ஊ வைத்த சந்தியை Google லில் போட்டு அது viral ஆகி இருந்ததுதானே. அது இதில் logging ஆக வேண்டும் – நான் கண்டியில் இருந்து வந்துள்ளேன் என்று சொல்லிக்கொண்டிருந்தான். இரவு முழுவதும் ஒவ்வொரு பெயர்களை சிந்தித்தான். நான் advertising marketing ல் வேலை செய்கிறேன். அதனால் I have a fmdvs reputation of naming things. அதாவது எனது வியாபாரத்துடன் தொடர்புடைய நண்பர்களின் சின்ன சின்னதான பெயர் வைக்கும் நிகழ்வுகளில் நான் நிறைய பெயர் வைத்துள்ளேன். அதனால் அப்படி சொல்லிக்கொண்டே இருந்துவிட்டு கடைசியாக 11 காலை வரை கதைத்துவிட்டு போ. அப்படியென்றால் இப்போ நாங்கள் போவோம். போய் மீண்டும் மாலை வருவோம். மாலையில் இன்னுமொரு குழு set ஆக இருந்தது. அதன்பிறகு 11 ம் திகதி காலையில்
போவதற்கு முன் ஞாபகத்தில் ஏதும் இருக்கிறதா?
Person – 3
இது மட்டும்தான். அன்றைய தினம் எனது ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை.
10ம் திகதி அமைத்த கூடாரங்கள் பற்றி ஏதாவது
Person – 3
இல்லை எனக்கு அப்படி ஒன்றும் ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை.
நான் அந்த கதையை எழுதிவிட்டேன்.
Person – 1
அதில் என்னிடத்தில் full writeup ஒன்றும் எவ்வாறு நடந்தது என்று compile செய்த அனைத்தும் இருக்கிறது. give the full story.
Person – 1
எனது personal memory ல் இங்கு சொல்வது 14ம் திகதியாகும்போது எனக்கு தெரியாது அது எனது prespective. அப்போ எனக்கு தெரியும் இதை நாங்கள் காலையில் அடித்ததும் – இதை அடித்து கொஞ்ச நேரத்தில் தான் இங்கே இருந்த ஒருவன் – I can’t remember her name, போய் ரெட்டாவை கூட்டிக்கொண்டு வந்து நாங்கள் இருக்கும்போதுதான் அந்த video எடுத்தான் – எங்களது இந்த புத்தாண்டு விழா – இந்த கிராமத்தில் – அப்போது 11ம் திகதி தானே. புத்தாண்டு விழா செய்வோம் என்று போட் ஒன்றை அடித்து 15 நிமிடங்களில் ரெட்டாவுடன் வந்து நீங்களும் 12ம் திகதி கோட்டா கோ கிராமத்தில் புத்தாண்டை கொண்;டாட வாருங்கள் என்று வீடியோவை போட்டது எனக்கு ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறது. அதன்பிறகு 10 மணியளவில் இவை முடிந்ததும் நாங்கள் போய் தூங்கி 4 மணிக்கு எழும்பியபோது இந்த வேலை full viral ஆகிவிட்டது. இதை அடித்து இரண்டு மணித்தியாலங்களில் கோட்டா கோ கிராமத்திற்கு கூடாரம் எடுக்க – கிராமத்தின் பெயருடன் offers இருப்பதாக post ஒன்று வந்துள்ளதாக — சொன்னான். அதாவது அது இப்படி எனும்போது pickup ஆகிவிட்டது. இங்கே போட் இதில் புகைப்படம் இருக்கிறது. முதலில் இது சிங்களத்தில் மட்டுமே இருந்தது. நாங்கள் இதை தமிழில் போட வேண்டும் என்று நிறைய கதைத்தோம் – எங்கள் யாருக்கும் தமிழ் தெரியாதே என்றேன். ஒரு தமிழன் கூட இருக்கவும் இல்லை. இனி சும்மா ஏன் அடிப்பது. தமிழன் ஒருவனுக்கு தேவையாக இருந்தால் வந்து அடிக்கட்டும். அப்படி சொன்னதன் பிறகு நாங்கள் அடித்துவிட்டு போனோம். நாங்கள் மாலை வேளையில் வரும்போது தமிழில் அது அடிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. ஆங்கிலத்திலும் போட் ஒன்று அடித்திருந்தது. அது shrine ஆகி இருந்தது. ஆனால் மறுநாளாகும்போது….
அது மாலை வேளையில்தானே. 11ம் திகதியா?
ஆம். 11ம் திகதி மாலை வேளையில். பின்னர் 12 அது இருந்தது. அதன்பிறகு யாராவது இதோ இந்த இடத்தில் போட் ஒன்று அடித்து இருந்தார்கள். கோட்டா கோ கிராமம் என்று language 3லும் அடித்து இருந்தார்கள். அதன் புகைப்படம் ஒன்று என்னிடம் இருக்கிறது. அதன் பிறகு ஒரு போட் தான் கண்டேன். அது கோட்டா கோ கிராமம் எனும் போட் கடைசி வரை இங்கே இந்த சிலையின் பக்கத்தில் இருந்தது – நான் மற்ற போட் survive ஆகி நீண்ட நாட்கள் இருந்தது
இப்போ இதுவும் 11ம் திகதியா?
எனக்கு sure இல்லை. இது பின்னர் 14ம் திகதி இருந்தது. 14ம் திகதி இந்த இடத்தில் போட் ஒன்று
இதுவும் இருந்தது.
ஆம். இது கடைசிவரை இருந்தது. பின்னர் இல்லாமல் போனது. இதை 14 முதல் நிறைய இடங்களில் கண்டேன் இது கடைசிவரை இருந்தது.
இதுவும் கோட்டா கோ கிராமம்.
ஆம். அதன்பிறகு 10th.நாங்கள் இங்கே இருந்தோம். பிறகு எங்களது கூடாரம் எல்லாமும் 14 ஆகும்போது இங்கே மலையின் மூலைக்கு போயிருந்தது. May 09th attack போது இவை மின்குமிழ் எரியும் கூடாரம் என்பதால் destroyed ஆனது
Person – 2
எனக்கு —- —–வை ஞாபகம் வருகிறது. —-யும் நாங்களும் இணைந்து போட் சிலவற்றை எழுதினோம். 14க்கு பின்னர். வங்கி கொள்ளையடித்த மாவத்தை, மைனா மாவத்தை போன்ற மாவத்தைகள் கொஞ்சம் செய்தோம். ஏனென்றால் அதிலுள்ள சிங்களம்,தமிழ் எனக்கு தெரியாது.
கொஞ்சம் இருங்கள். அதை நாங்கள் அடுத்துவரும் மெப்பில் போடுவோம். அப்படியென்றால் உங்களுக்கு 10ம் திகதி இருந்த கூடாரங்கள் ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ளதா? இப்போது 14ம் திகதி இங்கே போனதாக சொன்னீர்கள். 10 இங்கே வந்தோம் என்றோம். அவ்வளவு இருக்கவில்லை.
Person – 1
பத்து அடிபட்டது. பத்துதான் இந்த பக்கம் அந்த hiking tents கொஞ்சமும் அமைந்தது. 10ம் திகதி சின்ன சின்ன tent வரிசையாக இருந்தது
ஆப்போது 11 ஆகும்போது என்ன tentஇருந்தது என்று பாருங்கள்.
Person – 1
நானும் கசுனும் ஒரே groupஇருந்தபடியால் அவரை இந்த பக்கத்திற்கு எடுத்தால் இலகுவாக இருக்கும். அவர் என்னுடன் இருந்தார். நாங்கள் 10 -11 தானே ட்ரெக் செய்தோம். 10 இங்கே tent வரிசை அமைந்திருந்ததுதானே அதனால் கொஞ்சம் இலகுவாகும்.
Person – 3
10 இதோ இங்கே யாருமில்லாத tent ஒன்று இருந்தது. போடில் வரைந்த tent கொஞ்சமும் ஞாபகமுள்ளதா?
Person – 1
இதோ இங்கேயடா. இதோ போட் அடித்த இடம் இருக்கிறது. சாரணர் மாவத்தை.
ழதை நீங்கள் வரையுங்கள்.
Person – 1
10×10 tent 3. மூன்று அல்ல 4. நான்கையும் வரையுங்கள். அதாவது இந்த 4 தான் உண்மையில் backbonஆனது. people power பின்னர் infrastructureஇந்த backbone.
Person – 3
இன்மொன்று இதோ இந்த இடத்தில் நடந்தது. yellow cording oppracy அவர்களின் பொருட்கள் வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த இடம் இது. நாங்கள் இந்த நாட்களில் இங்கே இருக்கும்போது அவர்களின் பொருட்கள் இருந்ததால் போட் ஏதும் அடிக்க முடியவில்லை.
அது 11ம் திகதியா?
9ம் திகதி முதல் இருந்தது. 10ம் திகதியும் இருந்தது. அதன்பிறகு அதிலுள்ள பொருட்களை இங்கே கொடுத்துவிட்டு விலகினார்கள்.
Person – 1
இங்கே எத்தனை tent எனக்கு ஞாபகமில்லை. நாங்கள் இங்கே இரவு இருக்கும்போது hiking tent set அமைத்தோமே அதைத்தான் சொல்கிறேன்.
Person – 3
அந்த செட்டில் இதுபோன்ற வடிவில் இரண்டு கூடாரம் இருந்தது.
ஆண் 1
எங்களுக்கு பின்னால் இல்லைதானே.
Person – 3
இதுபோன்ற வடிவில் அவர்களின் வநவெ மிக பெரியது
Person – 1
tent 10 அமைத்தோம். பத்துக்கு அதிகமாக அமைத்தோம்.
Person – 3
அதன்பிறகு மினுவனின் tentஇங்கே இருந்தது.
Person – 1
—ன் tent இருந்த இடம் ஞாபகத்தில் இருக்கும்.
Person – 2
discussion tent என்று 11ம் திகதி இங்கே tent ஒன்று இருந்தது.
இந்த 11ம் திகதியா?
Person – 1
இந்த 10ம் திகதி அடித்ததை எங்களால் track செய்துக்கொள்ள முடியும். இங்கே ஒரே வடிவிலான tent கொண்டு வந்து அடித்ததார்கள். யாரோ சொன்னார்களே tourism tent என்று. tourism அல்ல hiking group. அவர்களுக்கு tentஇருந்தது. பொரல்லையிலோ அல்லது எங்கேயோ இருந்து விரைவாக ஒரே வகையிலான tent set ஒன்று இலக்கங்களுடன் – அவர்கள் கொண்டு வந்தார்கள். அவர்களுடைய hiking group ல் உள்ளவர்கள் இருந்தார்கள். அவர்களிடம் mattress இருந்தது.அவர்கள் எல்லாம் கொண்டு வந்திருந்தார்கள் என்று நினைக்கிறேன் – அவர்களின் ஒரு செட் இருந்தது. அவர்கள் வந்து அடித்துவிட்டு சென்றார்கள்.
அந்த 10ம் திகதி discussion tentன் பற்றி என்ன விபரமுள்ளது?
Person – 3
அது, 13ம் திகதி —-யின் programme ஒன்று இருந்தது. UTTA ல் எனக்கு நன்கு ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறது.
இங்கே, இந்த இடத்தில் இவ்வளவு தானா கூடாரம் தானா இருந்தது?
Person – 2
அது எப்போது?
Person – 1
14 அதையும்விட இருந்தது
இன்று 11 – நாங்கள் 10ம் திகதி செய்தோம்.
Person – 1
10ம் திகதி இந்தப்பக்கம் இருப்பது எனக்கு ஞாபகமில்லை.இதோ இங்கே மினுவனின் கூடாரம் இருந்தது. அது கொஞ்சமும் இருந்தது. அதோ 10×10செட் இருக்கிறது.
11ம் திகதி கோட்ட கோ கம பொட் வந்த நாள்.
Person – 1
ஆம். 11ம் திகதியாகும்போது இன்னும் கூடாரங்கள் அமைந்தது.
அது கொஞ்சத்தையும் எழுதப்பாருங்கள்.
Person – 1
அன்று இங்கே விழுந்து. இங்கே எழுந்து வந்தேன். எனக்கு ஒன்றும் ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை.
Person – 2
இங்கே பெயர் போடுவது என்பது பெரிய கதை.இந்நேரத்தில் பெயர் இருக்கவில்லை. என்ன நாங்கள் செய்வதென்று பின்னர்தான் பெயர் வைத்துக்கொண்டார்கள்.
இந்தப்பக்கம் பல்கலைகழகத்தார். இந்தப்பக்கம் low association. இந்தப்பக்கம் youth for change. ”” இங்கே ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்டது. இந்தப்பக்கம் தொடர்ச்சியாக பெரிதாக ஒன்று. லழரவா கழச உhயபெந தொடர்ந்து வருகிறது. பல்கலைகழகத்தார் அனைவரும் இங்கே.
அது 11ம் திகதியாகும்போது
Person – 2
ஆம். இந்த இடம் வரும்போது ஹெல்த்திற்கான பார்மசி போன்றதொன்றை நான் கண்டேன் ஞாபகமிருக்கிறதா? டாக்டர்கள் சிலர் மருந்து கொடுப்பதாக சொல்லி அமர்ந்திருந்தார்களே
Person – 1
இங்கே tent ஒன்று இருந்தது. இந்த இடத்தில் அந்த நாட்களில் St. John இருக்கவில்லை. இரண்டு ambulance மட்டுமே நிறுத்தப்பட்டிருந்தது. சர்வோதயம் இருந்தது.
அதில் ambulance என்று எழுதுங்கள்.
ஞாபகமிருக்கிறதா? 9ம் திகதி இரண்டு ambulance மட்டுமே இருந்தது. சர்வோதயம், St. John red cross.
மூன்றும் இருந்ததா?
Person – 1
சர்வோதயம் இருந்தது எனக்கு ஞாபகமிருக்கிறது.
அப்படியென்றால் அந்த மூன்றையும் போடுங்கள்.
Person – 1
9ம் திகதி ambulance இருந்தது தானே. மூன்று இருந்தது. சனக்கூட்டம் அதிகம் இருந்தது. St. John தான் முதலாவதாக வந்தது.
St. John எப்போதிலிருந்து?
Person – 1
9ம் திகதி வந்தோம். 3. ambulance இருந்தது
அதை பார்த்து சொன்னால் ஞாபகத்தை மீட்டிப்பார்த்ததாக இருக்கும்தானே. 9ம் திகதி St. John ambulance வந்தது.
Person – 2
சர்வோதயம் எப்போதிருந்து?
Person – 2
9ம் திகதி பெரிய ஒன்று இருந்தது.
மற்றது redcross 10ம் திகதியில் இருந்து
Person – 2
நான் 9ம் திகதி statue பக்கத்தில் இருந்தேன் எனக்கு ஞாபகமிருக்கிறது. ஆனால் கூடாரம் அமைத்ததாக ஞாபகமில்லை.
ஆண். 1
உங்களது கூடாரமா? redcross –
St. John
Person – 3
14ஆகும்போது 1 அல்லது 2 வந்திருந்தது.
redcross மிகவும் மாற்றமடைந்தது தானே – configuration தான் அவர்கள் கொஞ்சமாக கொஞ்சமாக அப்படியானதற்கு காரணமானது.
14ஆகும்போது கூடாரங்கள் நிறைய இருந்ததாக அவர்கள் சொன்னார்கள். என்ன இருந்தது என்று ஞாபகமிருக்கிறதா?
Person – 2
அந்த சிலை ஓரத்தில் இன்னும் 2 கூடாரம் – சிலை ஓரத்தில் தியானம் செய்வதற்காக —-மதகுருவும் ஒன்றை அமைத்தார் தானே?
Person – 1
14தானே. இங்கே இருக்கும் சிலைதானே – இது statue தானே. இங்கே தான் எடுக்கவுள்ளது.
Person – 2
இல்லை. —- இந்த statue அருகில்தான் இருந்தார்
—- மதகுரு கூடாரம் அமைத்து இருந்த தொடக்க நாட்களில் statue இந்தப்பக்கம் மலைமீது இருந்தது.
ஆம்புக்குறியை போட்டு நீங்கள் எழுதுங்கள்
Person – 1
—- மதகுரு தயாராக இருந்தார்.
அது விளக்குகளில் ஒன்றா?
12 போடப்பட்ட அன்று
Person – 3
இல்லை 12 இல்லை.
12 மாலையிலா?
எந்த இடத்தில்?
Person – 3
கொஞ்சம் பொறுங்கள். 11ம் திகதி நூலகத்தில் முதலாவதாக செட் ஆனது இந்த இடத்திலாக இருக்க வேண்டும். அதோ அந்த இடத்தில்தான் —ம், —ம் 10ஒ10 கூடாரம் ஒன்றில் புகைப்படம் போட்டு போட்டது. —ம், —ம் என்று போடுங்கள். அதில் முதலாவதாக போட்ட புகைப்படம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. —ன அழகான note ஒன்று எழுதியிருந்தான்
Person – 4
நூலகத்திற்கு மறுபக்கம் 13ம் திகதி எங்களது சட்ட உதவி முகாமை அமைத்தோம்.
அதாவது சின்ன 10×10 single ஒன்று வந்தது. —ன் புத்தகங்கள் சிலதை கொண்டு வந்து சுற்றிக்கொண்டிருந்தது எனக்கு ஞாபகத்தில் இருக்கிறது. —ம், நாங்களும் கூடாரம் வருது போகுது என்ன செய்வது கூடாரத்தை எங்கே அமைப்பது என்று கதைத்துக்கொண்டு அங்குமிங்கும் நடந்துக்கொண்டிருந்தோம். அதன்பிறகு அன்று இரவுதான் —-வின் புத்தக பட்டியல் ஒன்று இருந்தது – அவன் கொண்டு வந்த புத்தகங்கள். அவைகளை வைத்து புகைப்படம் ஒன்று போட்டோம். கூடாரத்துடன் புகைப்படம் ஒன்று போட்டோம். எனக்கு விளங்கும் வகையில் உண்மையில் இருக்கவில்லை.
புத்தக பட்டியலை போடுவோம்.
ஆண் –
ஆம் இருக்கிறது. எனக்கு —-விடம் இருந்து எடுக்க முடியும்.
சிங்களத்திலா எழுதி இருந்தது. ஆம் சிங்களத்தில்தான் எழுதி இருந்தது
மேலும் விதவிதமாக கோட்டாபோ கம என்று அடித்தார்கள். கோட்டாகோ கம அல்ல கோட்டாபோ கம என்றுதான் முதல் நாளில் இருந்து அடிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. நூலகத்தில் – தமிழ் எழுத்தில் எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது.
Libary க்கு இன்னுமொரு board இருந்ததா? நூலகத்தில் அடித்திருந்த இடங்களில் Tamil fo என்று போட்டு கோட்டாபோ கம என்றுதான் எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது.
சிங்களத்திலா English லா மற்றவைகள் எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது.
Person – 3
tamilலில் என்றே நினைக்கிறேன்.
Person – 1
போ என்று tamilலில இருந்தது. கம என்று சிங்களத்தில் இருந்தது. கோட்டா English ல். எனக்கு ஒரு distinctly ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ளது. ஜயோ ஏன் நான் போ என்று எழுத இருந்ததுதானே. அதன்பிறகு மேலும் அதைப்பற்றி ஒவ்வொன்று நினைத்துள்ளார்.
சரி இனி வேறென்ன இருந்தது. இந்தப்பக்கம் ஒன்றுமில்லையா என்ன 14 IUSL, voices of peoples, அந்த law என்ன சொல்கிறது?
bar association அல்ல சும்மா lawyer’s stage.
Person – 3
எப்படியோ அந்த நாட்களில் சின்ன walk ஒன்று போனது எனது ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ளது. டawyerகள் வரும்போது அவர்களுக்கு speaker வேண்டும். அப்போது பெற்றோலும் இல்லை தானே. எங்களிடம் ஜெனரேட்டர் இருக்கிறது. இவர்கள் எங்களது ஜெனரேட்டரை வாங்கிக்கொண்டார்கள். எங்களது ஜெனரேட்டரை வாங்கியதற்கு பெற்றோல் இல்லைதானே. ஒருநாள் முண்டியடித்து எப்படியோ 4 லீற்றர் வாங்கிக்கொண்டோம். மற்ற சென்டரில் இருந்தது வழக்கறிஞர்கள் என்பதுதான் எனது ஞாபகத்தில் உள்ளது. நாங்கள் ஒரு பக்கத்திற்கு சென்றோம் இது 11, 13 நடந்தது.
13 இங்கே போனது. இது 11ம் திகதி. இது 11 தொடங்கியது என்று கேள்வி எழுப்ப வேண்டும். 11 suere என்று இல்லை
அப்படியென்றால் 14 ம் திகதி என்ன இருந்தது
Pநசளழn – 2
நூலகத்திற்கு மறுபக்கதில் 13ம் திகதி நீண்ட kitchen இருந்தது அது பின்னர் 15; ம் திகதி மூடப்பட்டது
Person – 2
kitchen னை கொஞ்சம் ஸ்கேன் செய்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
community . பேக்கரி ஆட்கள் பாட்டு பாட, அதை இதை கேட்க தொடங்கியதும்தான் kitchen கொஞ்சம் form ஆக தொடங்கியது. அங்கே கூடாரம் அமைத்து பேக்கரி வேலைகள் நடந்துக்கொண்டு போனது. 14 ஆகும்போதும் பேக்கரி வேலைகள் நடந்துக்கொண்டுதான் இருந்தது. ஆரம்ப நாட்களில் பேக்கரியில் உள்ளவர்கள் அங்குதான் வந்து செட் ஆகினார்கள்.
11 அல்லது 12தான் — இறந்தது. இது அதிகம் பெரியது relatively but இங்கிருந்து move ஆவதற்கு முன்பு — இறந்துவிட்டார். இங்கே perform செய்ய இருந்த வேளையில்தான் அவர் இறந்தார். 12 -10 இடையில். எனக்கு திகதி ஞாபகமில்லை.
அங்கே எழுதுங்கள்.
சன்னஸ்கல பாட்டு பாடியது.
இதோ இங்கேயா? ஆம். அங்கே music group ஒன்று இருந்தது
while singing. எனக்கு திகதி ஞாபகமில்லை. 11 -12 இடையில,;
இங்கே ambulance ஒருவர் மிக தீவிரம் என்று சொன்னார் அதன்பிறகே அவர் இறந்தது எனக்கு தெரியவந்தது. அப்போது நாங்கள் இங்குதான் இருந்தோம். அதை சொல்லி ஒரு மணித்தியாலத்தில் — இறந்துவிட்டார் என்று சன்னஸ்கல போடுகிறார்.
Person – 3
சரி சரி வருடத்தில் தான் நடந்தது. வருடத்திற்கு நாங்கள் அந்தப்பக்கம் போவோம்.
அப்போ 14 ஆகும்போது வேறு என்ன ஞாபகத்தில் இருக்கிறது. இங்கே கொடி ஒன்று இருந்தது. இங்கே stage ஒன்று அமைத்திருந்தார்களா?
Person – 1
வெள்ளை நிறத்தில் பெரிய பெனர் ஒன்று SIU ல் அடித்தது இங்கே இருந்தது. என்னிடம் புகைப்படம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது.
Person – 3
இங்கே சேறு இருந்தது. இந்த இடத்தில்தான் கோட்டாகோ கம போட் இருந்தது.
Person – 2
இந்த இராணுவ வீரர்கள் எப்போது வந்தார்கள். இராணுவ வீரர்கள் இங்கே வசிக்க வந்தார்கள்தானே?
Person – 1
எனது ஞாபகத்தில் புத்தாண்டு வரும்போது இராணுவம் இருக்கவில்லை.
Person – 3
பெரிய வெள்ளை பெனர் ஒன்று கருப்பு நிறத்தில் எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது. அது மிக distinctive என்னிடம் புகைப்படம் உள்ளது. பின்னர் பார்த்து எழுதங்கள் – இப்போது இப்படி குறிக்கவா?
Person – 2
ஏ நாங்கள் வரும்போது — இந்திகொல ஆராச்சி மற்றும் எங்களது சித்திரக்கலைஞர் — ——, — —— இருவரும் psychosocial support தொடங்கிவிட்டார்கள். இந்த இடத்தில் psychosocial support ஒன்று கூடாரம் ஒன்று இருந்தது
Media கூடாரம் எப்போது வந்தது?
Person – 3
Media tent 18 போன்று -18க்கு பின்னர் என்றே நனைக்கிறேன்.
14 வரைதான் இங்கே எழுதுவேன். 14க்கு முன் போடுங்கள். பின்னர் எதுவும் போட வேண்டாம்.
Person – 2
நான் இந்த வேலையுடன் தமிழில் கதைக்கும்போது தடுமாறினால் — என்னை அழைப்பார். அந்த காலம் ஞாபகத்தில் இருக்கிறது. அப்போ நான் அங்கே சென்று help செய்வேன்.அப்போது எல்லா இடங்களிலும் தமிழ் மொழியால் என் தலை தெரியும்.
நீங்கள் சொன்ன இடங்களை இனி நீங்கள் எழுதுங்கள். புத்தாண்டு நாளில் வேறு எதுவும் நடந்ததா? சிங்களத்தில் மட்டும்தான் நடந்தது என்று சொன்னீர்கள்.அது சிங்கள விழாவாக இருந்தது. தமிழ் விழாவாக இருக்கவில்லை.
அங்கே எல்லாரும் ஒன்றாக இருந்த இடம்தானே. அப்படி செய்வோம் என்றோம் ஆனால் அப்படி நடக்கவில்லை.
Person – 3
இதற்கு அப்பால் யாராவது வந்து தேசிய கீதத்தை பாடினார்களா? தமிழ் மொழியால் பாடியதற்கு —– இந்த கூடாரத்திற்குள் வந்து சண்டை போட்டது எனக்கு ஞாபகமிருக்கிறது. இது 14க்கு பின்னர்.இதற்கு முன்பும் ஒருநாள் செய்தார்.
Person – 1
— —- மற்றும் his wife – எனக்கு ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை. —-க்கு காதில் ஒரு வருத்தம் வந்தும் குறைந்தது மே 9 வரை இதை withdraw செய்யும் வரை இருந்தார். எனக்கு சுவர் இல்லை. கேட்க முடியும்.— தான் tent systematized செய்து இலக்கங்களை கொடுத்து அந்த வேலைகளை செய்தார்
14 ஆகும்போது அவர்கள் செய்யவில்லை.
Person – 1
systematized செய்யவில்லை. ஆனால்
Person – 3
நாங்கள் கூடாரம் ஒன்று அமைக்க போனாலும் எங்கே அமைப்பது என்று அவரிடம் தான் கேட்போம்.
Person – 1
—-டன் ஒன்று session செய்தால் – —- மற்றும் அவரது wife டன் கதைத்தால் அதில் நிறைய memory ஒன்று….
Person – 2
கதையோடு பார்க்கும்போது ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் ஏதாவது ரோல் ஒன்று இருந்ததால்தான் எல்லோரும் அவரிடம் வருகிறார்கள். அவர் எப்படியோ பிடித்துக்கொண்டார்…
kitchen வந்து இருந்ததா?
kitchen அல்ல பேக்கரி – அதை எப்படி frame செய்வது என்று எனக்கு தெரியாது. இந்த ஏரியாவில் 12-13 வரை பேக்கரி செட் ஒன்று இருந்தது. நான் சொல்லும் பேக்கரியில் கூடாரம் என்று சொல்லவும் முடியாது. பேக்கரி செட் அந்த இடத்திற்கு வந்தது. பேக்கரி செட் அங்கே இருந்ததால்தான் kitchen அந்த இடத்திற்கு வந்தது. 14 ஆகும்போது kitchen அங்கே இல்லை. சமைக்க ஆரம்பிக்கவும் இல்லை. அந்த இடத்திற்கு பேக்கரி செட் மட்டும்தான் சாப்பிட்டது.
நான் பார்த்தேன். this group started coming this place for food. அப்போ சரிதானே.
Person – 1
ஆம். ஏற்கனவே pattern உருவாகி இருந்தது என்று எனக்கு sure இல்லை. அதை verify செய்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.அப்படி ஒன்றும் இருந்தது. இந்த கூடார செட்டை – நாங்கள் வரையும் போது இந்தப்பக்கம் சாப்பாடு வழங்கும் சீன் ஒன்றும் இருந்தது தானே. people trust வரவில்லை. இவர்கள் இங்கே பொருட்கள் கொஞ்சம் போட்டார்கள்தானே. அதில் தான் people park அமைந்தது. அப்படிதான் நடந்தது. நான் இப்படி இங்கே அம்புக்குறி அடிக்கவா? 14க்கு பிறகு என்றால் வேண்டாம்.
Person – 2
மேலும் — இவை அனைத்தையும் connect செய்யும் நபர் ஒருவர் இருந்தார் பாதர் —-.
Person – 1
பாதர் இருந்தார். எனக்கு பாதர் முதலிலேயே நோட் ஆனார்…
Person – 3
எப்படியோ 13 ஆகும்போது இந்த statue அருகில் கூடாரங்கள் நிறைந்த view ஒன்று இருக்கும். இந்த கூடாரங்கள் நிறைந்து. சின்ன சின்ன கூடாரங்களும் நிறைந்து இருக்கும்.
அந்த கூடாரங்களில் இருப்பது யார்?
Person – 3
அது ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை. நான் இந்நாட்களில் அதிகம் ….இல்லை.
Person – 1
அம்மோ நான் இங்கே வந்து போனவர்களை பற்றி சிந்தித்தேன். இப்போ வெளியில் இருந்து வருபவர்களையும் கூடாரம் இல்லாதவர்களையும் – இரவில் இங்கே தங்குபவர்களை பார்ப்பது தானே– —-ன் பெரிய தொழிலாக இருந்தது.இந்த கூடாரங்கள்; யாருக்கும் சொந்தமில்லை தானே. ஆரம்பத்தில் hiking வந்து அமைத்த கூடாரங்கள் தானே. அப்போது அது common முறையில் தான் இருந்தது. அப்போ —- அதை பார்த்து catalog செய்து மக்களுக்கு கொடுப்பது தானே. அப்படியென்றால் மே 9வரை பெரிதாக அந்த வேலை போயுள்ளது. மே 9 இவ்வளவு islandwide response ஒன்று வந்தது நிறையபேர் வந்து போனதால் தான் என்று எனக்கு விளங்குகிறது. சும்மா நினைக்கும்போது போராட்டம் செய்யும் பையன்கள் அந்நாட்களில் வந்து இருந்துவிட்டுதான் போயிருக்கிறார்கள்.
14 ஆகும்போது இந்த இடம் சரியா?
இங்கே youth center
Person – 1
18ம் திகதியின் பின்னர் தான் significantly மாற்றமடைந்தது.
இந்தப் பக்கத்தில் 14ம் திகதியாகும் போது இவ்வளவு தான் இருந்ததா?
Person – 3
இந்த யோசனை சரி.ஆனால் இதைப் பார்த்தால் tents இல்லாதது போல தெரிகிறது.கெரண்ட் செய்து சொல்லலாம் இந்த tents எல்லாம் நிறைந்து இருந்தது என்று.13ம் திகதி மாலையாகும் போது.அந்த நாளின் எநைற எனக்கு நன்கு ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறது. என்னிடம் புகைப்படம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. எனக்கு அந்த புகைப்படம் ஞாபகம் இருக்கிறது. அங்கு இருந்து பார்த்தால் இது எல்லாம் தெரியம் புகைப்படம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது அதில் எல்லா டெனட் நிறைந்து இருந்தது.சின்ன சின்ன tent.
Person – 3
அந்த பயிர்செய்கை செய்த குழு எப்போது வந்தார்கள்.
அது இந்தப் பக்கம் தானே?
Person – 1
பயிர்ச்செய்கை முன்னாள் இருந்தது.
14ம் திகதி ஆகும் போது இருக்கவில்லை. இந்த இ;டத்தில் தான் சரியாக இருந்தது.
14ம் திகதியாகும் போது இருக்கவில்லை.
Person – 1
அது உண்மையில் 18ம் திகதிக்கு பின்னர்தான் இடம்பெற்றது. பிரச்சினை இந்த குழு வேலை செய்த விதம் இங்கே இருந்தது. நீங்கள் இங்குதானே move ஆனீர்கள்.
Person – 2
அங்கே இருந்து மீண்டும் இங்கே வந்தோம்.
Person –
20தானே? அப்படியானால் அதன் பிறகுதான்
இந்த இடத்தில் உங்களுக்கு பின்னால் ஏதாவது இருந்ததா?
Person – 2
இங்கே நாங்கள் போடும்போது அருகே jet committee வந்தது. அதன்பிறகு அவர்களுக்கு கூடாரம் ஒன்று அமைத்துக்கொடுத்தோம். 3 நாட்கள் அவர்கள் இருந்தார்கள். அதன்பிறகு அவர்கள் இங்கே move ஆகினார்கள்.
அதன்பிறகு கலை – கலையரங்கமும் வந்தது. அதன்பிறகுதான் அனைத்தும் வந்தது. முதலாவதாக போனது …. அது பெரிய கூடாரம் ஒன்று. பெத்தும் எல்லோரும் சின்ன சின்ன கூடாரங்களில் இருந்தார்கள். நாங்கள் பெரிய canopy ஒன்றை அமைத்துக்கொண்டு போனோம்.
14ம் திகதியாகும் போது இங்கே சரியா? இன்னும் ஏதாவது யனன செய்ய இருக்கிறதா?
Person – 2
பேக்கரியில் சாரம் கட்டிக்கொண்டு அந்த பின்னால் தாடி வைத்திருக்கும் மாமா, கிட்டார் வாசிப்பாரே – அவரும் அப்போது இருந்தார்.
Person – 2
அந்த —, — எல்லோரும் எப்போது வந்தார்கள்?
Person – 3
14ம் திகதிக்கு பிறகு. சேனாதிக்கு முன் — வந்துவிட்டான். — பொடிகாட்களுடன் வந்து போவதை நான் பார்த்திருக்கிறேன். எப்படியோ சும்மாதான் இருந்தார்கள். ஆனால் எந்த இடத்திலும் நிலையாக இருக்கவில்லை. 14ம் திகதிக்கு பிறகுதான் ஒரு இடம் என்றவகையில் வரத் தொடங்கியது. kitchen மையமாக கொண்டுதானே அவர்கள் வெளியே வரத் தொடங்கியது. இப்போ இங்கே இன்னும் மவைஉhநn இல்லை தானே. அந்த Mobile toilet செட் – அது 10ம் திகதி இந்த இடத்தில் அமைந்தது.
பாதையின் இந்த பக்கமா? பாதையின் மறு பக்கத்தில்
அது common toilet தானே.
girls boys common
இல்லை. வேறு வேறாக
Person – 2
இதை நாங்கள் மாலைவேளையில் போடுவோம். போட்டுவிட்டு —-ல் உள்ளவர்களை கூப்பிடுவோம். விக்கும் கதைத்தார். கதைத்ததும் அவர்கள் இப்போது முடியும் என்றார்கள். நகர அபிவிருத்தி அதிகாரியினர் போட விடமாட்டோம் என்று சொல்லியுள்ளார்கள். அதன்பிறகு இந்த இடத்தில் சின்ன கோடு ஒன்று வருகிறது. municipal க்கு சொந்தமானது. அப்போது — ——விற்கு கதைத்துதான் – அந்த gap தான் அவர் எழும்பியவர். அதை வைக்க போகும்போதும் பொலிஸார் முடியாது என்றார்கள். பொலிஸார் வைக்கவிட வில்லை. பிறகு செட் ஒன்று போனதன் பின்னர்தான் வைப்பதற்கு இடமளித்தார்கள்.
இங்கே ground ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. இங்கே பாதை இருக்கிறது – சாரணர் மாவத்தை. அங்கே சின்ன கோடு ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. பேமன்டுக்கு போட விடவில்லை. அதற்கு பணம் – நான் மடையன் ஒருவனுக்கு கதைத்தேன் – ஒடராவிற்கு கதைத்து, —-ற்கு கதைக்கும்போது இன்னுமொருவர் பணம் போட்டுவிட்டார். அவர் யார் என்று எங்களுக்கு தெரியாது.
Person – 3
9 முதல் 13 காலப்பகுதியில் போத்தல்களால் gota go home என்று அந்த வலையால் செய்திருந்த வேலியில் அடிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. சரியாக நாள் ஞாபகத்தில் இல்லை.
இங்குதானே. அந்த Port city யின் வலை வேலியில் தானே.
போடுக்கு மேலே அந்த கொடி இருந்தது தானே.
Person – 2
இதற்கு சம்பவம் ஒன்று —. மலசலகூடங்கள் 10 என்று போடுங்கள்.
காலையில் நானும், —-ம் மக்களுக்கு தண்ணீர் கொடுத்தோம். மழை நேரத்தில் நிறைய உணவுகள் வந்தது. அன்று கொடுக்கும்போது பெண்கள் தண்ணீர் வேண்டாம் என்றார்கள். ஆண்கள் தண்ணீர் குடிக்கிறார்கள். இங்கே தண்ணீர் கிடைப்பதே அரிது ஆனால் கிடைக்கும் தண்ணீரை ஏன் குடிக்க மறுக்கிறார்கள் என இருவரும் சிந்தித்தோம். ஆம் இங்கே மலசலகூடத்தின் சிக்கல் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. அதன்பிறகுதான் மலசலகூடம் தொடர்பான வேலையில் ஈடுபட்டோம். ஏனென்றால் பெண்கள் தண்ணீர் கேட்கவே இல்லை. தண்ணீர் குடித்தால் சிறுநீர் கழிக்க எங்கே போவார்கள் என்று எங்களுக்கு புரிந்தது. அப்போது தான் ஆண்கள் இந்த பக்கம் மலசலகூடம் – என்று பெயர் குறிப்பிட்டு இருந்தார்கள். ஏனென்றால் —– ஏதோ ஒன்று. அந்த படியில் இறங்கி போவது. எவ்வகையான மலசலகூடம் அங்கே போடப்பட்டிருந்தது. —-வின் கோயில். நாற்றம் தாங்கமுடியவில்லை. அதற்கு ஆண்கள் போனார்கள்.
இப்போ voice of the people ல கொண்டு வந்தது?
Person – 2
—ம், நானும் yes yes communicate செய்து organize செய்தோம்.
Person – 2
அப்போ அதற்கு sponsor செய்தது யார்? அதற்கு முதலாவதாக ஒட்டாரா உதவி செய்வதாக உறுதியளித்தார்கள். ஆனால் அதற்கு முன் யாரோ அதை போட்டிருந்தார்கள்.
Person – 3
இனி அதற்கு pay செய்தது அநுராத அண்ணன்மார் தானே. அதோ அதுதான் யார் என்று தெரியாது. அவர்கள்தான் daily pay செய்தது.
Person – 1
ஒருநாளைக்கு ஒரு இலட்சத்திற்கு மேலாக செலுத்த வேண்டி ஏற்பட்டது. அது இப்படித்தானே. தண்ணீர் பௌசர் ஒன்று அந்த இடத்தில் நிறுத்தி வைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும். மணித்தியாலத்திற்கு ஒருமுறை அதை suck செய்ய வேண்டும். மக்கள் கூட்டம் அதிகம் என்பதால் தாங்கிகளுக்கு நீர் நிரப்ப வேண்டும். பேட் போட்டிருப்பது மற்றுமொரு பிரச்சினையாக இருந்தது. அப்போது இது இங்கே இறுக்கமாகிவிடும் என்று சொன்னார்கள். பின்னர் அதற்காக நாங்கள் என்ன செய்வது என்று கதைத்தோம். அதன்பிறகு அவர்கள் அதை இழுத்தெடுக்கும் கருவி ஒன்றை கொண்டுவந்தார்கள். வேறு செய்வதற்கு ஒன்றும் இருக்கவில்லை.
Person – 1
ஆம். நாங்கள் செய்தோம் – நாங்கள் 10ம் திகதி இங்கே இருக்கும்போது முஸ்லிம் ஜோடி ஒன்று வந்து குழந்தைக்கு பால் கொடுக்க வேண்டும் கூடாரங்கள் ஏதும் இல்லையா என்று கேட்;டார்கள் – நாங்கள் பால் கொடுக்க இடமளித்தோம். அதன்பிறகு மறுநாள் —–ன் கதைத்து முடிந்ததன் பிறகு – அன்றிரவு மேகா தொலைபேசியுடன்….
Person – 2
சனக்கூட்டம் அதிகம் என்பதால் – இந்நாட்களில் சிறுவர்கள் காணாமல் போகும் சீன் ஒன்று இடமபெறுகிறது. எங்களது பெனர்களை எழுதுபவர் எப்போது வந்தார்? மெக்கோ இல்லையா? முடியை நீளமாக வளர்த்த husband and wife couple ஒன்று. இப்படி எழுதும்போது மிக அழகாக இருக்கிறது.
Person – 1
எனக்கு இப்போது நினைவுக்கு memory வந்த ஒன்று உள்ளது. டெட்டு அடிப்பவர் 50 நாட்கள் வந்து 53 டெட்டு அடித்துள்ளார.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
These images, videos, transcripts of conversations and memory-maps are entirely made up of the subjective experiences and remembrances of those who were on-site at GotaGoGama, and thus are not the opinions, viewpoints, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this archival project do not necessarily represent those of the curators or associated institutions.